Thursday, January 16, 2020

Well, we fixed 4 vending machines

We went into work and I was able to fix one machine, but the other three were not working.  We had a repairman out for the canned vendors, that visit was free, and then a repairman out for the bottled vendor and that was $200, but it is working great now. 

We also stocked. 

It was a long day, Ron had cancelled the ride yesterday which worked out as the one repairman was late, so we took a Uber.  I ordered the bigger one and they sent a very nice Suburban, Ron had an easy time getting in and out.  I put the wheelchair up.  The poor driver got stuck in rush hour traffic but we did get home eventually. 

I am loving my new computer setup.  It is very efficient.  Someone took my old desk, I had hauled it out to the curb, while I was at work.  Now I don't have to worry about getting rid of it. 

And I am tired and going to bed early. 


Anonymous said...

You are getting some pretty tough comments of late. I don’t agree with the “tone” in all of them, but I get what they are saying. One minute you are “going to look for a new job” and Ron is “going downhill” and “verbally abusing you” (which I don’t doubt at all that is how you felt when you posted that) but then the next minute “he is not all bad” or “he is good cause he let me sleep in today”. It’s like he throws you a crumb and all of a sudden he is husband of the year.

I get that you love him, I get that you have a full plate right now and you are doing the best you can. But I think you are not facing reality. I think when you post “nice” things about Ron, that is a fantasy world of how you wish things would be. When you post the not so nice stuff, that is more the reality you are living.

I am not criticizing you or putting you down. I am rooting for you. I am praying for you. But I also get where all these other posts are coming from. At some point, something is going to give and I don’t think you are or will be prepared.

I am not going to comment anymore, unless it is about your sweet kitties. I don’t want to add to your stress. I will keep reading the blog and rooting for you though. I don’t know how to help you see that you HAVE to take care of yourself first or you will be no good to Ron or the kitties.

Heather Knits said...

Well that is the problem with Ron, he's variable. Sometimes good to great, othertimes horrible. I never know which one I'm going to get. The last couple days he has been OK - he always does better around work, he doesn't have a lot of vodka so he is using it sparingly, other times he is horrible.

There was another vendor in the program had a decline and it was determined he could "stay" as long as someone was filing his reports and keeping his machines stocked. And Ron is generally so much better on work days (excepting accounting work) that I would do it even if we weren't making money.

And,as someone says, I don't make a lot but I make a good amount considering it is part time and very dubious I could get a similar arrangement.

I am getting a lot of flack on a message board for this as well and people seem to think it is all one side, either all good or all bad. It is a mix, that is what has made it so hard to accept.

Melanie said...

I can’t speak for you of course Heather, but I know that when I’m stressed, I tend to hyperbole in assessing a situation in the moment, and the bad ones make the good ones look so good! Life for most of us just isn’t so cut-and-dried, and I myself can be one of those “the whole world is dark” when I’m dealing with a particularly stressful day, then “oh, it’s nothing, superwoman here can deal with anything that’s thrown her way” when the stress lets up even a little, and I’m not even bi-polar, just a tendency to black-and-white thinking that I have to keep in check :)