Thursday, January 16, 2020

And you said it wouldn't work


Anonymous said...

It doesn’t - you can’t even put the mouse next to the keyboard! And the computer tower or whatever you have has to sit on the floor. Not good ergonomically. I thought the other poster had a good idea to use your kitchen table for a desk. Waste of $20.

Anonymous said...

What's the point in your getting nice, new stuff when you refuse to clean. The floors look very dirty.

Anonymous said...

No it doesn't work at all and looks ridiculous. Return the table and get your money back. Wait and get a proper desk. If you get rid of the stuffed bear and extra couch you will have plenty of room for your office desk.

Friend of Heather said...

That is Very cute Heather! Good for you! you did a good job you are very resourceful Heather . You need some kind of goal poster in front of you . I looking for the perfect poster of what I want to do in New Zealand next year and whenever i am online or stressed out it will be there for me to gaze at and plan for .

If you are comfortable and like it it is perfect ! Who gives a shit what others think , even me! LOL

Since I left home my living room chair is a meditation pillow and I adore it!
To each their own.

enjoy your new work space.