Thursday, January 9, 2020

Video blog

Me showing off the work I had done. 

There is some footage of Ron (behaving for once) so feel free to skip if you don't want to see him. 


Anonymous said...

Like the new faucet but like i said the sink just looks worse compared to the shiny new faucet. Maybe a good scrubbing on it will shine it up? Now time to get the rest of the kitchen organized and clean. When will drywall be done?

Heather Knits said...

Got a $4K quote for drywall so a little bit yet!

I plan to clean up this weekend at the latest. I am very pleased with the new faucet; I don't care if it's a little mismatched, I got a cheap fixture so it is not going to last forever, when it goes I will just do whole sink + faucet in a few years.

Anonymous said...

When cleaned the sinks at the pet hospital I used alcohol. Beautiful shine on them and sanitary.

Anonymous said...

Your new faucet will stay shiny and clean if you use a spritz of vinegar/water on it when you use the faucet. I sometimes end up doing this several times a day, or wiping it with a kitchen towel after use. 50/50 on the water vinegar mix, please be sure to mark your spray bottle with what is in it, need to do this soon. Just buy a 99 cent spray bottle and place by your soap bottle. You can use this on the cupboards too and after a soapy cleanup of any grease spatters on your stove, safe for animals. Your sink is brushed and will not shine, but a bit of powdered cleanser or soda will clean it nicely.