Thursday, January 16, 2020

He's not all bad


Anonymous said...

Take a deep breath try to be objective and step back . He has completely given up on life and will not be happy until he takes you down with him. He will give you two seconds of peace and the worse he feels about what he has done to himself the more he will blame you. Sadly that is how they are hardwired it has NOTHING to do with you . It could have been anyone. They dehumanize us.

Be strong protect your heart and bank account he will ruin you if you do not guard yourself .

Anonymous said...

No abuser is ALL bad. Heck even serial killers can seem nice sometimes too. But if a persons bad actions are more prominent than good ones it is time to move on. Not to mention the wall in his bedroom looks filthy.

Anonymous said...

He won't even help pay for the repipe that is despicable. He won't set aside mone every month for sales tax which shows his poor business skills. You do everything and get abused in return. So he sleeps with the cats. Big deal. He also overfeeds them, doesn't pay for vet visits, refuses to brush baby girl everyday and even said she wasn't pretty when she had to get the mats shaved off because of his neglect. But let's give him props for laying in bed in a drunken stupor because he lets the cats sleep with him