Tuesday, January 21, 2020

It is hard to have respect some days

Ron kept me up last night babbling drunken nonsense.  It has been my experience if I ask him to stop he gets worse, and ugly as well. 

He woke me up early today bitching and moaning because it is his birthday and we have to go in to work, for 2 hours.  2 hours, and not even early ones. 

He was the one who chose not to save for sales tax.  He is the one who wants to play the "Oh no!" last minute "Can I raise the sales tax?!" money drama, been doing it for 20 years.  He did not think last week. 

No, he didn't want to even DO the sales tax, I had to do it.  Then I told him we have Monday as a bank holiday so we will have to go in Tuesday, get some money out of the machines, write and mail the check, go to the bank and deposit the money to cover the check as they will get it quickly. 

He was FINE with it for days even though today is his birthday. 

This morning it was bitch, whine, and scream about it.  "Let the check bounce".  I keep telling him the check is not even in play, yet.  "We don't have the money" even though he just told me he has $400 in his checking account. 

Whining "But it's my birthday" even though he had NO problem forcing me to get up at 2 AM on MY birthday, years ago, and forcing me to go into work and work several hours without even saying anything nice... but I did it because that is what the business needed. 

He keeps accusing me of "playing the game" (basically, being responsible) because I see a need to pay our bills and be responsible. 

I finally told him this was HIS fault, he is the one who never wants to save up sales tax money, while at the same time spending $500 a month on vodka.  He didn't argue with me on the amount, either.  I also told him "You had weeks to pay this, and you chose to wait until the last minute". 

Now he is telling me I am a defective and he pays all the bills so he is the "real" voice in this house, so to speak.  He doesn't PAY me anything, how can I pay the bills if I don't make enough?  If he paid me a fair wage I would make a lot more. 

Now he's babbling how he's going to have to ride 2 hours, each time, three times.  That is incorrect.  Half an hour to work, 20 minutes to the bank, 15 minutes home. 

"Oh, use a Uber, you go do it all". 
"I don't have any money for that". 

So he is lying in bed feeding me a steady diet of verbal abuse thinking he can wear me into "agreeing" to cancel the trips (how I'm supposed to get to work and the bank?).  What I find most upsetting is the fact he thinks this will work; trying to bludgeon me into going along with him.  Have I, in the past?  I don't think so. 

But the fact that he thought it would work is upsetting. 

He kept going on "I was going to pay" so I told him he had better be careful with his threats to make MY life miserable, I knew where he kept the vodka, I knew where he kept his cell phone.  If I took both he would be in BIG trouble.  I also told him he needed to clean his @ss crack because it stank and he would make the drivers ill. 

Now he is going on about how he won't have sex with me because I am "fat" and revolting.  I told him some time ago, we were talking about a fetish of his and I said that was very unsanitary.  He was shocked to hear that and some basic information about female anatomy.  How bacteria is transferred from one area to another and it is a REALLY bad idea to use some positions as a result...and I would not, again.  He was all bent about that but no sex is worth a bladder infection. 

Now I am a "freeloading bitch".  I told him I at least paid my debts unlike him who spent the exact amount if the loan, due, on vodka.  If I were the alcoholic I would scale back to drinking something cheaper and save the difference. 

He kept going on how Dad loaned "Him" money.  I said he did not - did not mention Ron has, to my knowledge, NEVER paid back a loan, one woman had to take him to court - Dad had loaned the money to me so I would have plumbing and Ron was incidental.  I said, further more, even though I made a lot less I had been the one to pay Dad back. 

I didn't ask Ron about the money, I just waited to see what he would do - and he didn't.  So that said to me Ron is still the irresponsible guy who thinks he doesn't have to pay people back.  It is a good thing I am mature. 

I will convey to Dad not to ever loan Ron, on his own, money. 

In the meantime Ron is being the prototypical verbal abuser trying to sling hate at me.  Ron is now saying Dad loaned "him" the money so Ron would "keep me away from them".  I wish I had my personal checks at the house when Dad offered to pay me, because we had to make the check out to Ron, so Ron thinks it was "his" money now and "his" loan even thought he hasn't paid a nickel on it. 

But I ask myself, does it matter if Ron thinks Dad loaned "him" the money and I am the one paying him back?  Does it feed the whole "other people will bail me out because I am a poor pitiful blind man in a wheelchair"?  Does it matter? 

Ron is just being hateful today... he really wants the world to revolve around him and thinks everyone wants to celebrate his birthday, even though he brings no joy and smells bad. 

And I will say it again, more than one occasion I had to get up VERY early on my birthday to go to work and get it done, and I did it.  I wasn't happy about it.  Ron has an 8:30 pickup so it's not even early... but I didn't turn it into a personal attack on Ron. 

And he doesn't realize, I might actually be willing to take a Uber if he paid for it, but he is being so ugly I am not going to "help" him in any way. 

He basically threw the credit card at me and said he canceled the trips, so I am on my own.  On the plus side plenty of time to do a good stock, now. 

I'm going to go take a shower. 

I'm not sorry I made the crack comment. 


Anonymous said...

Just remember he is not all bad.

Anonymous said...

What a delusional man. I am glad you are not taking him in the Uber. No one needs their car smelling like ass crack. Very disgusting.

He is a 60 plus year old man and news flash unless a person happens to have the day off MOST adults work on their birthdays. How will he celebrate it anyway? By getting blackout drunk and laying in bed. So why not work a few hours?

Even though you didn't post my comment about the sales tax a few days ago it is nice to see that it did sink in for you about what a normal & responsible business owner does when it comes to putting money aside for their sales tax (especially since you pay it monthly). It is not his money to use on vodka. It is the states money.

I love how he throws it in your face that he makes more than you, even though you do 99% of ALL of the work.

Not to mention bragging about your dad loaning him money and you are paying it back. He is ridiculous and you wonder why almost everyone who reads your blog hates him so much.

Heather Knits said...

We are a small potatoes business so only quarterly, but even more reason to save. THREE MONTHS to save up. This one was about a month's worth of vodka (a little more) and could have easily been managed.

BUT if he is going to have a pity party, be ugly and hateful, I am happy to get out of the house. And HE is paying for the Uber. It didn't have to go this way, but waking me up at 5:30 to whine and cry about working TWO HOURS (and a half hour at the bank) on his birthday when I have done NOTHING BUT WORK on mine... anyway I am getting out of here.

God knows what I will find when I come back.

Anonymous said...

Why does he have to save up for sales tax? If you collect it the point of sale? I don’t get it. Someone is INCAPABLE of running his business. Shut. It. Down

But, he is good with cats, so all is forgotten and forgiven.

Anonymous said...

Birthdays are for children. If you're an adult, it's just another day. He is probably being ugly because his butt crack is inflamed. What a jerk.

Anonymous said...

I've been through a divorce. The courts see every asset as a "joint" asset and that includes cash. Ron can "think" it's his money, and you too can "think" it's yours, but ACTUALLY the money is marital and so are the debts.

Anonymous said...

Community Property States
The community property states are Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin. (In Alaska, spouses can sign an agreement making their assets community property, but few people choose to do this.)

When Are You Responsible for Your Spouse's Debt?
In community property states, most debts incurred by either spouse during the marriage are owed by the "community" (the couple), even if only one spouse signed the paperwork for a debt. The key here is during the marriage.

Anonymous said...

If you set aside tax money every time you empty the machine, what's to save up?
I wouldn't dare trust myself to spend the tax money and save it up at the last minute. The stress would kill me.

Heather Knits said...

I agree, it's just STUPID to do it that way.

What upset me about the whole birthday issue, he has always been very negative on MY birthday, "One day closer to death" etc... and then wanting me to get a party hat at 5 AM and tell him he gets the day off work. Had he been more supportive/encouraging about my birthday all these years - one year he threw me out, for my birthday - then I might have been more supportive of his. As it is I told him "You should have mailed the sales tax and done the deposit last week, if you wanted today off"

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should stick a birthday hat in his crack.

Anonymous said...

If he’s not setting aside the sales tax money at the point of sale he sure as shit isn’t setting aside income tax for his employee.

Heather Knits said...

He did smell better when I got home so I think he bathed.

Anonymous said...

How could you tell with the smell of urine on the floor and in his bedroom?

Anonymous said...

How could he bathe without assistance?

(PS bath wipes <> bathing)

Heather Knits said...

We'd be in big trouble without those bath wipes!

I did look at the Odoban product when I was at Home Depot today.

Anonymous said...

Bath wipes are not a substitute for actual bathing.

Heather Knits said...

Picking my battles here...

Anonymous said...

Pretending it is doesn’t make it so. Accep reality. You could be looked at badly if cops are called again and the disabled blind mans caregiver “hasn’t bathed him” in a forever. We know you try, THEY don’t. And WE know Ron will lie right in front of them

Anonymous said...

I thought your sex life was off limits. No one wants to hear about his anal sex fetish.

Heather Knits said...

That's not it... and that would be totally off limits.

I will be making a video today to protect myself.

Heather Knits said...

Making a video today; I need to protect myself. Those police were PISSED thinking I was feeding Ron's addiction.