Friday, January 24, 2020

The rest of Friday

I had a nasty headache most of the day, which, after my shower, drove me out of the house to the head shop to see what they could suggest. 

I took the bus, I don't have sneakers and I didn't want to walk the entire distance, both ways, in my work boots.  That worked well, it is a nice bus stop I have, with a glass shelter, wood bench, and even one of those fancy aggregate concrete trash cans!  Ooooh! 

I'm deluxe now. 

So I took the bus a couple of stops to the location, went in, he had to buzz me in which I found very sad.  But I can understand why they do it. 

So I went in, basically asked what do you have for headaches?  I told him the strain I had been using, he said that was good for it also the Hawaiian Haze - all the Haze varieties, he told me, were good for pain.  I got a larger portion of that. 

I also discovered hemp cigarettes.  I thought that was awesome, something I could take on the go.  I got some of them.  They were not cheap but did an EXCELLENT job slaying the headache when I got home, and a lot easier to smoke than the pipe. 

Then I asked the guy how to smoke it.  The pipe, I mean.  Do I just break off a bigger piece of bud and put it in, like Ron used to do with pot?  Or do I break it into itty bitty pieces like the guy in the video said? 

He said, break it up.  That was good to know because I was totally uninformed.  I am spending some money on it, I might as well get all the value out of it. 

Then I got some incense which was super cheap and later proved to be an excellent quality. 

And I went back home.  I smoked one of the cigs and it did the job on the headache.  I put them in my fanny pack (they are smaller than a regular pack) so now I have them when a migraine hits... more effective, cheaper, safer, than prescriptions. 

You know how "everyone' with migraines takes triptans like "Imitrex" etc?  I cannot, it interacts with lithium.  I can take Excedrin, and that's about it.  So worst case I can take some Excedrin and this.  There is always a place to smoke, somewhere, should the need arise. 

I found it interesting the smokes had lung-improving herbs in the mixture as well.  They are supposed to be "mint" but still very green tasting and burnt, then a little mint in there as well.  I will not be using them unless I need to, it's just not fun or tasty. 

I did think about my bio mom rolling over in her grave because one thing she made me swear I would never pick up tobacco.  It is very odd puffing on something but I have to say it is pretty unbeatable for helping the headaches. 

I never smoke unless I am battling a bad headache.  One thing I like, unlike the Excedrin they do not keep me up. 

But the headache is gone.  So the hemp does the trick.  Sometimes I just have to do it again a few hours later. 

Which is why I plan to take the smokes with me.  They fit.. and I almost forgot again, I need to take the pepper spray out of the pack.  That could be a felony if I am caught taking that into work and they won't believe I forgot.  Ok, that's put up, put the blanket on Ron again and plugged it in, turned up the heat for him. 

I plan to go to bed pretty early as I am tired... but the headache is gone and I was careful what I ate today.  I have a bacon cheeseburger with BBQ sauce (probably my favorite food) in the fridge for tomorrow. 

As far as I know I've only got the Walmart delivery going tomorrow.  I am about out of protein shakes.  And, as I said, I'm tired. 

Spotty knocked the bowl of food over so I swept all that up, and got the whole floor while I was at it. 

I have my favorite sample next to my chair, just getting used to it... and liking it.  It looked good in the sun as well as the sun shone through, it seems very tough, Ron could fall on it... pee on it, etc. 

I did talk to Ron about the pee and he didn't have an answer. 


Anonymous said...

DID YOU KNOW that there are other migraine medications that are not Imitrix and not “triptans”? I take topamax, or rather topiramate the generic. It’s cheap. It is not a triptan. Smoking this garbage is not safer and not better for you.

“Imitrex (sumatriptan) and Topamax (topiramate) are used to treat migraine headaches. Topamax is also used for preventing epileptic seizures and migraine headaches. Imitrex is a selective serotonin receptor agonist (also called a triptan) and Topamax is an anticonvulsant.”

Anonymous said...

The hemp only worked somewhat yesterday and you smoked it at least twice. Today it is amazing because you got to go shopping and buy stuff and try hemp cigarettes?

You really should discuss this with your doctor. Dates, times, quantities, reason you needed it.

I really think you should invite your doctor to visit your blog. It would give better insight than you and your Aunt can give. He could just read for a few minutes at the beginning of your appointment while you just let him read and ask questions if he has any. It would create meaningful conversation.

Heather Knits said...

I was very happy because a persistent, 2 day migraine is gone. Even on the imitrex I would have to take multiple doses for something like this.

My doctor is very old, very busy, is a teaching doctor as well. He is well aware of the important stuff: caregiving for Ron, Ron is verbally abusive, Ron is an alcoholic. He has known about the migraines for a very long time. Unfortunately some of my medications aggravate that. Then I told him about the flood because that is additional stress. He's got the core of it.

And about Topamax, a VERY short internet search turns up this:
Treatment Options Migraine Prevention TopamaxSide Effects
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Topamax Side Effects
Generic Name: topiramate

Medically reviewed by Last updated on Dec 16, 2018.

In Summary
Common side effects of Topamax include: anxiety, ataxia, confusion, diarrhea, diplopia, dizziness, drowsiness, dysphasia, fatigue, lack of concentration, memory impairment, nausea, nervousness, paresthesia, psychomotor disturbance, speech disturbance, depression, visual disturbance, weight loss, dysgeusia, mood changes, and anorexia. Other side effects include: arthralgia, and asthenia.

No thank you. Compare that to some minor throat irritation.

I am not puffing all day long: if I have a persistent headache I will use it. If the headache comes back (after 4 hours or so) I will use it. Then the pipe sits off in the storage area until I get another headache.

I tend to get more hormonal/food migraines so only about one bad week a month. This just happens to be my week.

Anonymous said...

why don’t you eliminate the soda completely? All it is is chemicals you’re drinking. Oh, you wouldn’t do that I’m sure you have some dumb excuse why not. You don’t want to eliminate the migraines because that eliminates a sympathy factor.

Heather Knits said...

When I have a headache I don't tell anyone around me, other than maybe Ron "Can you keep it down a little, I have a headache.." I will post it up online because it's troubles and you all love to hear about my troubles. :P

I have tried cutting out soda completely and it did not help. I have tried it, more than once.

They are linked very heavily to what I eat, and my hormones. The last/first week of my cycle I am just more susceptible and food, nuts, additives to chips, etc. will get me every time. I eat no chocolate now, not a speck. Not worth it. Weather is also a trigger.