Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Two desks


Anonymous said...

You have lived with them this long what is another month? Why do you have 2 loveseats when you don't even use them?

Anonymous said...

You live in a house with a man that uses his bedroom as a urinal. These desks are great for right now. Maybe once he passes you can upgrade.

Anonymous said...

The first one isn’t a desk. That’s outdoor furniture. The second one just needs to be cleaned

Heather Knits said...

I did use the one loveseat. Ron uses the back to pull himself along going to/from the front of the house to the back so I need one at any rate, and two will make a nice little seating area up front. I don't have enough room for a full sofa but I can do that.

The monitor area of the "second" desk is slanted and does not work. It also takes up more space than I would like.

You say "outdoor furniture" I say desk. :)

Anonymous said...

You could repurpose your dining room table as a desk wherever the desk is going to be and turn your dining room into a cat feeding room/lounge using the furniture you have.

Your dining room is for cats anyway. Put in a feeding station, some of your cat furniture and a chair for you so you can hang out with them. It will look a lot bigger without the table in there. And you can call it the cat cafe or something.

I used my dining table as a desk for years in a small apartment (the table was too big for the tiny kitchen but fit in my bedroom).

Anonymous said...

LOL how is that little outside table a desk? Sometimes you crack me up with your descriptions.

Anonymous said...

That is no desk. It’s an outdoor end table. You can’t pull a chair up to it and put your computer on it. Lol

Heather Knits said...

I can put a computer on it. I don't see the problem? It doesn't take up much room but gives me enough space to work. I didn't want a big heavy piece of furniture, and I have a budget. This hits all the marks.

And they sold folding chairs to go with the table. I will check and see if my chair works, it does.

Anonymous said...

You have your desktop computer on the outdoor end table? Please post a pic of you sitting at it lol