Sunday, April 30, 2023

Well, well, well

 Squeamish skip to +++ 

Months ago, I decided my cycles were irregular at best and I couldn't predict when I'd have one.  So I got some cloth pads and menstrual cups and just use those suckers every day, take it out at night,wash off, air dry on counter, insert the next morning. It was worked well. 

How well was proven last night when I took out my cup and found I had started my cycle. I washed it out and reinstalled it for the night, took it out this morning,washed it out (nothing there?) and reinstalled it. But the cycle started. Which resets my menopause clock. It was over a tablespoon, too, not spotting like I had in February. 

Cloth pads go in the wash every day, I have them just in case the cup leaks (but it hasn't, so far). It works for me. So hopefully the bloat will go, already my abdomen looks better not so puffy. 


I slept pretty well but my hip was bugging me a little.  I was working with the Bibles in the garage and getting ready for a Bible Handout today (haven't left yet).  I have over 2 cases in my cart, I hope I have not overloaded it. I'm not sure where I'm going I will have to see what looks good. I want to go to the right place. 

So if you pray I will take it. I have some REALLY nice gift and award Bibles the recipients will love I don't remember when I got them but I like them. They have the gold trim and everything.  

I'm going to take my shower and do my God Time. 

All done, not sure where I am going yet I will get out there on the bus and see.  

That's it for now. 

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