Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Tuesday afternoon


Boss was in a bad mood and assigned me extra work which I could not finish. So I will have to deal with that tomorrow.  

I am very bloated today and my weight is up several pounds.  I believe my body is making a last ditch effort at fertility. I will see in the next couple days. 

I got a ride home so I will be taking a nap, come back and fill this in. 

Oh and the flare leg jeans I need an opinion on it tonight, tomorrow. Short version, we have a very cute dark wash, NON destroyed, flare leg jean which I want to be wearing this summer. I am sure I fit the 17 (the fitting room is broken). But as I lose weight I would have to have it tailored, along with my other jeans. So I could just buy the 15 and set it aside until I lose weight and then I have a fun prize. 

Do I get the 17 so I can wear it now?  Leaning that way, I only have one other pair of flare legs that fit right now. 

More later. 


Anonymous said...

I think you should try on size 14 /16/18 jeans in a variety of styles until you find cuts that look really good on you. Juniors sizing (the odd numbers) are cut thinner and usually a little shorter. The muffin top you pointed out in the tank top photo the other day was caused by your waistband being a little too small. It's the cut of the pants.

I really recommend taking some time on a day off to go shopping (not at Wal-Mart) and just try on some pants. I weigh a little less than you and my favorite jeans are 16W with a slim leg and a slight flare. I own jeans that fit well right now in a few size/cut combinations. Trying them on is really the best way. Don't worry so much about the size number because all brands size differently. Good coverage, flattering cut, right length and comfortable.

You have lost so much weight and you look great. I imagine it's like dressing a different body.

Heather Knits said...

This is the first time in my life I've actually cared about looking good, sad to say. Before it was just whatever was cheap and fit but now it's different.

When my aunt comes we will go shopping at the thrift shop but that could be a while.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I understand. No one ever taught me to pick out clothes that actually fit me well. I wore poorly fitting clothes until my late 20's when my coworkers started laughing at me (right in front of me) for my clothing choices. Trying everything on and only buying what looks great is my policy now. It's actually cheaper in the long run because I don't buy stuff that won't be worn.

Heather Knits said...

Problem I'm having now I am retaining water in my midsection even though I've been eating good. Must be hormonal but I don't recall it being that bad. If it is a pending cycle I will be glad when it's over and I'm back to normal. Now to eat clean in the meantime...