Saturday, April 22, 2023

Saturday evening

 I had been getting a little sloppy with my medication and I CANNOT. That way lies ruin; a good book on the subject is "What Goes Up" it is a story about a professional man with bipolar who left his medication at home when he went on vacation, and it eventually killed him. 

So I did all that up.  I was also having issues like "Did I take the allergy pill?" so I put that in my pill organizer along with the mood stuff. I just need to figure out how I am going to do the Flonase. 

I talked to my parents, they are doing well. My one nephew is a certified paramedic and working on becoming a full blown fire man. He is in the academy right now. 

My other nephew is leaving his career in finance to become a paramedic and then likely a fireman as well.  The interesting thing we have a family history of firemen going back over 100 years.  It skipped my brothers but has come out in their sons.  I think that is cool.  

I would absolutely date a saved fireman. 

But I figure more likely to end up with someone from work or a bus driver. 

Anyway parents are doing well. I am tired and going to bed early. Have a good night!  


Anonymous said...

Perhaps a little more attention to yourself and less infatuation with beau is in order. It's not like you to be sloppy with taking your medications and is very concerning.

Heather Knits said...

No it's not Beau I just got sloppy. Nothing major just forgetting to take my pills with my lunch bag so I had to take them when I got home. I am doing 14:10 intermittent fasting and try not to eat after 5 PM (get home 6-7 most nights) so that was an issue.

Also the old "did I take the allergy pill/spray" yet? I haven't figured out the allergy spray yet.

I did up 3 weeks of pills in my organizers on the table so I'll be good for a while now. It also addresses the "did I take my morning pills yet?" Because I take too many I have a seizure and forget them I will be miserable all day (antidepressant).

Heather Knits said...

I don't have to share any of what I do but feel it's important to share the day to day stuff like forgetting my antidepressant in addition to the epic stuff like recovery from domestic abuse.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I don't believe you. I think you were skipping pills.

Heather Knits said...

I don't swear but GOD NO. Ugh my head is a hard place to live even with medication, I would not do that ever.

The only time I went off my pills I had a week long migraine with extreme vomiting. I couldn't hold them even if I took them. Oh I was a wreck by the time I could eat. The second I thought I could I took all of it at once. I could literally FEEL my mind unravelling it was horrifying.

No, never. Worst I have done is skip antidepressant if I am working on a migraine as the med makes the blood vessels clamp down in my head.