Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Wednesday night

I just climbed out of a rabbit hole of pet supplement websites.  

Biscuit has been itchy and I am happy to relate I REMEMBERED where I had the emergency dose of Advantage 2 if something like this happened.   Biscuit of course played the tragic martyr, but he will feel better soon now.  

I have been debating getting name brand Advantage vs. generic and from what I recall my experiences with the generic were not great, so when it's time to reorder I will get the name brand.  I decided against probiotics or vitamin chews as Biscuit is on a special diet. 

So, this morning I was exhausted from sleeping poorly.  I think I figured out it is my allergy pill which is SUPPOSED to make me tired, but FAS'ers can have backwards metabolism on things and I think that's the case here. I think the allergy pill is keeping me up.  So no pill tonight and I will take it tomorrow morning.  

But I got up, did everything, went to work. While at work (paycheck dropped in my checking) I decided to get a few smaller, lighter things on my list.  Like bait. I thought I saw a small roach this morning but my glasses were off.  I am keeping the house cleaner than ever but I do live in Texas, and unfortunately my bag sits in a breakroom right next to the grocery receiving area (roaches!  all over the breakroom!) for hours a day and then I bring it home.  NOT ideal; I sure wish I had a car with a trunk. 

So I put my stuff in a cart, walked in the store, went right over to "Chemicals" and got an ant bait (hate them, too) and a roach bait. I got the jeans I wanted.  I put the baits on top of the jeans not really thinking about it.  And I ran into the (upper) management team "doing a walk" (store inspection). The manager greeted me and I said hi back, then, not thinking, said "I think it's funny I just got paid and my money's going back to Walmart already" gesturing at my cart.  And every eye went to the roach baits.  I could have crawled under a display I was so embarrassed. But it's Texas!  EVERYONE has this problem I hear...most pay for an exterminator to come and spray but I have the cats, and a history of migraines related to pesticides. We parted ways and I went and paid for everything, crammed it in my bag and went to work.  

Parts of my job have changed.  I adapted while my boss was out but she didn't necessarily agree.  Today she said he likes the way I have been doing things and (what I do now) will be my job. That is fine. Glad we are happy.  I got my break and my lunch.  

Made it to 3. I was coming back from the bathroom when I heard meowing.  And I saw a young man in a shopping cart surrounded by kittens. Siamese.  They were glorious.  I squealed over them as any cat lady would and the mother begged me to take one.  

"I'd take two" I told her "But my cats would never forgive me"  I could just see Biscuit in my head looking at me accusingly for the thought.

But, seriously, if you're getting a kitten get two and they will be great friends, and twice the love for you.  Then you don't have to worry about kitty while you're at work and he's alone for 12 hours. He has a friend.  

NICE cats though. I have always liked Siamese.  Never had one though. 

I rode home on the bus (long ride as usual but no drama).  I talked to my aunt, and my parents.  The jeans don't fit so I need to size up if they have it, return them, or keep them for when I do lose weight.  I didn't have time to try them on.  

They are fantastic jeans, though.  The Celebrity Pink flare leg (non destroyed) dark wash.  Nice flare on the legs, high waist, just not my size. 

I got some grease on my vest eating breakfast so I had to wash it when I got home.  After my phone calls I did some research on flea products for cats. I really prefer the Advantage 2 as that has worked very well in the past. I looked at different stuff fell down a rabbit hole but got out long enough to blog. 

And my vest is done so time to log off and go to bed.  Night, all. 

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