Thursday, April 27, 2023

And Beau

 Is taking a leave of absence 😭


Anonymous said...

Distract yourself with a romance novel?

Anonymous said...

Leave of absence is weird terminology for a job that's not corporate. He's obviously got life problems.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Probably a good thing. You were too focused on him and were neglecting yourself. Why is he leaving?

Heather Knits said...

I saw him around 2 and he didn't say anything, his boss brought it up during the 3 PM meeting "And Beau will be leaving us for a while" but Beau hastened to add "I'm coming back" but he looked like someone had him by the balls.

If I had to guess it is family obligations. I did a google search on Beau and came up with a father same name. He is late 60's or early 70's so probably needing help, could have had a medical problem.

MY BEST GUESS. It would explain why he needs a leave of absence (Walmart term) but doesn't want to go. Don't forget we do work for a corporation, a very big one at that. LOL

But yeah a horrible end to the day. It got worse, I said "I"m taking my break" loud enough for him to hear, when the meeting was done, all alone in the breakroom again. He was off at 4, I was not. He could have come by; he did not.

I asked God for an "obvious" sign. I think I have it.

Heather Knits said...

Romance novel would be too depressing right now. [cries]

Anonymous said...

Could be almost anything. Fortunately, your coworkers gossip more than teenage girls at a slumber party. There's a good chance you will hear something.

Anonymous said...

So your relationship with Beau was pretty much invented in your mind. Think about that before you start obsessing over the next guy you find attractive.

You have no idea why he is taking a leave of absence and have no actual friendship with him that he would even tell you. Basically you have no idea who this guy is and really don't know anything about him.

Like you have been told if a man is interested in you he will do what it takes to see you and talk to you. He is not interested in you in that way as evidenced by his not coming to talk to you specifically when it was his last day at work. If they hadn't made the announcement you would have had no idea he was not coming back to work anytime soon.

Why not check the criminal database and see if maybe he is taking a leave of absence to serve a jail sentence. You never know.

Heather Knits said...

Problem is if I ask it's more gossip. You should have seen them when Jack stopped by one day.

Anonymous said...

If Beau wanted to tell you he would have told you when you saw him at 2 PM before the meeting. Get over Beau he was not interested in you.

Anonymous said...

Stuff like that has a way of getting around and I am sure someone will make sure you hear about it without you having to ask. Maybe the next guy God brings across your path, and He will, you could just view as a friend or a friend you flirt with. You jumped straight to relationship with Beau when he gave you no indications that he was interested other than some harmless, fun flirting. Ron did a real number on you. You really might want to see about talking to someone professional before you pass "go" and head straight to relationship thoughts with any guy you meet.

I wish there was a church around that was biblically sound and easy for you to get to, not necessarily to meet a guy (although that would be great) but to find a Christian support system to help you navigate stuff like this.