Wednesday, April 5, 2023


 Right after I started working at Walmart a Team Lead (a man) from another department would help me out every day.  I got a little crush on him he was very gallant riding to my rescue whenever I asked for help.  

It was too soon, though, and I was a mess so I asked God to help with that.  And He did in 2 areas: one, food safety.  The gentleman was talking about food safety one day and basically said he "didn't believe" in all that... I almost died of food poisoning in 2004, almost lost both parents to food poisoning in 1985, so that was an immediate ardor killer.  And not long ago he was in the breakroom talking about the "great" blackouts he had on his vacation which about sent me screaming out of the room.  God could not have picked 2 hotter topics (probably even beyond His existence) that would repel me and boy they did.  

So I thought it was funny this guy was flirting with me in the breakroom after work today.  NOPE not interested!  Not a bit!   I can laugh about it now.  Maybe this will happen with Beau although it might be a little weird if things do develop because Beau occasionally helps this guy out. 

Will I see Beau tomorrow?  I don't know.  Is it going to ruin my day if I don't?  No. 

My big focus tomorrow I want to buy a giant chocolate bar for a very nice older lady who helped me out today, is always a big help in my department.  I always tell her "It's going to be a GOOD day now that you're here!"  

That's it for now.  

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