Sunday, April 9, 2023

Depression has come

 Well I knew the good times would end...depression has come. I doubt Beau will be interested in this side of the coin. 

I am still bringing the candy to work as every co worker enjoys that. I only get requests for more chocolate but that is super expensive so I only do that every couple weeks. Also some coworkers have no portion control when it comes to chocolate.  I have a little bag of hot candy and then a larger one with the regular mix. And a small box of fruit chews for my vest. Some caramels for the one boss, etc. 

I also did some candy to hand out on the bus. I put a Pulparindo in each of the Spanish candy because in my experience that is the #1 favorite candy for them,extra hot Pulparindo. Hot,salted, fruit, sounds revolting to me but they grin like you wouldn't believe so they get it. 

It makes me feel better to do nice things for others, and I am realizing giving gifts is a bigger love language than I thought.  A female co worker bought me some Mountain Dew on Friday which I thought was really sweet. And I can have a lot of fun with the money I found earlier. 

I had a pretty good nap with the cats, they know what to do when I'm down.  I have a headache hoping the Excedrin does the job. I have things I need to do for work coming up.  

I don't think I will be mopping but I do plan to sweep. That's it for now. 

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