Saturday, April 29, 2023

"Please don't let the pit bulls on the bus"

 Well that was not fun. 

I went out to subdivision bus stop, saw JW's again and went to Kroger. I got my Power Greens, Wowbutter, etc. They have very high prices on bagged candy so I took my handcart and went to the transit center.  

When I got off, I told my driver "I'll see you soon" and she said "You won't" so I thought she was done for the day. But I get off and walk to my stop and there are 2 pit bulls at the bus stop tied together with a piece of rope. The dogs aren't too skinny and are attentively watching a man on the bench.  

I see blood on him and realize he has 2 bad lacerations on his head, one on either side. He is ranting nonsense, acting drunk.  It was a bad flash back to Old Days let me tell you he could have been Ron right down to the laceration (Ron fell and cut his head a couple of times, drinking). 

I notice my driver getting off with her stuff and she runs up the line of buses, gets in another bus, slams the door shut, and drives away.   The guy who brought the second bus moseys up the sidewalk towards us and the man sees him, gets up, confronts him, babbling nonsense and swaying on his feet.  A man (not the driver) approaches the injured man (and his dogs, who are following him) and hands him a short, hand-rolled smoke which he lights up and inhales deeply. 

I don't smell tobacco, or pot, so I don't know what it is but assume it is illegal so now he is head injured, drunk, AND high with two pit bulls watching him attentively. The bus driver gapes at him and asks if he would like an ambulance.  

"I don't need no, you know.." the guy replies and embarks on a long and rambling request which makes no sense. The bus driver says "I can't help you" and turns to me and another man waiting patiently at our bus stop.  "Why didn't you catch the bus?"  

"What do you mean?"  

"The driver who just left was your bus" I realize the bus driver did not tell us because she did not want to deal with the injured man and his dogs. I was not happy. 

I had to wait a while feeling very uncomfortable as I am watching that man and his dogs.  I am afraid of dogs, especially dogs with a bad reputation. 

I hate drunks and am completely burned out on the head injured.  Besides, he refused medical assistance. 

But, I am not thinking about Beau anymore. No, sirree. 

The next bus comes and I get on quickly with my hand cart,lean forward (driver is behind a plastic partition) and say 'Please don't let the dogs on the bus". 

"WHAT?"  I lean forward around the partition. "DON'T DO THAT"  

I say it louder even though the man is right behind me now, "Please don't let the pit bulls on the bus" The driver is in a secure compartment away from the bus,and the dogs, unlike Old Days when she was accessible to anyone/thing on the bus. 

"I CAN'T DO THAT" she shouts at me as I go to sit "SIR IS THAT A SERVICE DOG?"  

"DO YOU WANT IT TO BE?" he replies.  "These are my dogs, I got some problem, I gotta go home and feed them..."

"SIT DOWN" she tells him.  I was so upset and felt very betrayed. YOU are nice and cozy behind your partition but I have to sit out here with the drunk man (could refuse ride for that) and the dogs (clearly not service animals). It was a long and uncomfortable ride to my point and I couldn't wait to get off.  

The store was very packed and it was not much fun shopping, I had gone out later than normal.   I got all my candy and some bags, mainly. I couldn't wait to get out of there. 

I got home OK, JW's were gone by that point. I had texted some people asking for prayer as I felt very uncomfortable and I texted them letting them know I was OK. 

I put my stuff away and called my parents,took a nap. Woke up with the Spot Man right next to my head on the pillow. That was awesome. 

That's it for now. 

Edit to add: The day I found Biscuit and Gravy Biscuit tried to follow me on the bus; and the driver forbade it. 5 month old kitten gets a hard pass but grown unaltered (I"m sure) pit bulls are allowed. 


Anonymous said...

A terrible situation. I have encountered dogs (obviously not service dogs) on buses and trains before, and I hate it. Oh, and a giant snake draped over a man's shoulder once. And a few shoulder parrots (I thought those were hilarious).

In your situation, I would have exited the bus when he was allowed on. Take the next bus. Pay the extra fare. Being trapped on a moving bus with an unpredictable man and his two unpredictable dogs is too dangerous.

I'm sorry that happened to you.

Heather Knits said...

The good news the way the fare works for me (I have a "Q" card) I pay once every 3 hours I ride. But next time I would get off.