Saturday, April 22, 2023

Saturday afternoon

 I have decided to take today off, basically. I went to Kroger, got some tea (bags), got my power greens,gave the nice lady in produce a bag of candy. 😂  When I left she was showing it off to her coworker. I went to the transit center and talked to a machinist who worked in vending machines for a while.  Why a machinist was riding the bus?  DUI?  Lost his license would be my guess due to DUI's.  But it made the time pass.  

Went to my other grocery store and got some more caramels (Lily at work begged for more "leches" which I assume are milk caramels, and my one supervisor likes the caramel cubes, the other 2 managers like the pink lollipops from my blue bag pinata mix). I also got more tamarindos.  They are very inexpensive and very, very popular.  Beau likes the mild ones, my co worker likes the hot ones. I had plenty of the hot mix candy at home already but gaped at the ten pound bag available for sale now. I thought five pounds was hard core...

And I got the pink (bag) and blue (bag) pinata mix because between them we have something for everyone. And I won't have to go after work next week.I am kind of done with that after that freak on the bus the other night. Came home from that. 

I do have plenty of bagged, decaf, tea,and some drink mix so I will be OK on drinks for next week. I already have the tuna and sausage (sounds revolting, together) for my meals next week. I handed out most of my candy today.  

When I get off the bus, I "check my phone" "tie my shoe"etc until I can see if anyone got off after me,and then if someone does (about one time out of 6) I "work with my phone"until they pass me and go ahead and then I follow them.  I am getting smarter. 

My street smarts are pretty badly lacking due in part I think to the brain damage but I am working on it. I also try to call my aunt on my way home. 

I had a good nap with Biscuit smack on top of me, he was very soothing. He is a wonderful cat. I can't believe someone threw him out and that woman was kicking him in the head when I found him.  But he saved me, don't get it wrong. He was a real rock for me after Ron died. I woke with a headache but the Excedrin is working. 

I got a bottle of 200 headache pills (OTC) at work the other day so I am OK for a while and I don't know what kind of headaches I will face as I get off the soda. 

That's it for now; I'm going to go do up my pills. 

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