Saturday, April 22, 2023

Very early Saturday

 I slept pretty well for a change and woke up oddly hopeful about Beau.  I don't know what is going to happen, and, as I've said, the odds are really bad, but I just enjoy having him around, to walk into a room and see he was watching for me, to see him smile as our eyes meet. Unlike Ron in early days he has been nothing but 100% proper as well. It is nice. 

My friend brings in kolaches and donuts when she covers for me on the weekend so I know he won't starve.  😂  She knows I am "looking" but doesn't know about him specifically. And I am not in a hurry.  

It is nice to take things slow for a change. Ron and I were like Mach 5 the whole time. I did find Beau's last name, he showed me something he got from corporate (a new work phone) with his full name on it. I looked him up but he is not on Facebook which I actually see as a good thing.  He prefers to talk

I would say language is the biggest obstacle to a relationship. Many times I see him searching for a word. But that isn't a coffin nail. 

I had a nice sleep with the cats. Cleo sent me off to sleep, she got on me, walked around purring. I woke up to Biscuit and Spotty. Biscuit really loves the back of the couch now, I don't know if I put up a photo. 

My whole house used to match that table, now it is the exception. But he is so happy I took off the afghan. So I will leave it off. 

I boiled my cup (no period since January and only a tiny bit of spotting in February, but I have heard too many stories of surprise periods to give up the cup yet. I figure wear it every day (wash every night, boil once a week, rotate 2 different cups one a week) for a couple of years (I hear it is not uncommon to get a period after over a year, if you are under 50 which I am).  If I don't get any more cycles I will retire them in 2025. And it seems to work fine I wash it out with plain soap every day when I get home from work, boil it on my day off. I keep it in it's little bag once it dries off.  

That would be really great for me if I remarry (anyone) if I was already in full blown menopause so I wouldn't have to worry about birth control. That has been a concern for me. If I got pregnant I would have to go off my meds and have it (hope I'd still be married at the end of that!), then go back on my meds. But at my age it is very unlikely I would have the baby, I would likely miscarry. And that would be awful so I'd rather not get pregnant to begin with.

I took my before pictures to work and showed them to a few people who were utterly shocked.  That was fun. I don't care if that gets back to Beau. I didn't have the nerve to show him. At least right now I don't want that image in his head. 

This is the photo that gets all the gaping and remarks. When I look at it I am really pleased with how far I have come. No, I'm not a model. I have stretch marks. But my thighs are a lot thinner, I lost a lot of the bread dough. My face is different,my arms and hands.  Most importantly I am healthier. 

Walmart provides associates with gloves while they are working. It's good for the customer and the associate.  When I started my glove size was an XL. Now it is a Large. 

I just want to be healthy.  I am creaky enough as it is. My store didn't have any V8 in the 12 ounce cans so I will just drink carrot juice on my break next week. I am curious to see if that helps.  I hear a lot of things about nightshades (tomato family also includes potatoes and peppers) causing inflammation. I also got some nice decaf teas I can drink,too. 

Doing laundry since I did a load earlier this week I don't have a whole lot even considering I bought the 7 t shirts for $1 each. 

That's it for now! 


Anonymous said...

The biggest obstacle you should be wondering about Buea is one does God want you with him? And two is he a believer? Have you even really approached that? Seems like a high school crush at this point

Heather Knits said...

He wears a pretty large cross which I find promising.

I think I could be happy with a number of different guys, not a poly thing just there are a lot of good guys. I never saw Rudy the bus driver again, but he and Beau had a lot in common,about the same age, Latino, etc. I would have absolutely dated Rudy.

I think God is showing me that now so I won't feel like I have to jump into a relationship because "He is the only one on earth for me"

I'm not sure how to convey how we interact, it is literally grabbing a few minutes here and there, usually with an audience. That may be why he comes by so often, he could be trying to get some alone time. Not easy in a very busy store.

He doesn't seem to be in a rush either which is a plus for me. And I get the financial why he lives with his sister, I think a lot of women would not. But it makes sense.

Anonymous said...

I've seen drug dealers and gang bangers wearing crosses. It means nothing.

Heather Knits said...

True, dat, but it takes some nerve to wear one at my store where we have so many of other faiths. My one Muslim co worker detests him because of it.

Anonymous said...

How do you know your Muslim coworker detests Beau because he wears a cross?

Heather Knits said...

I don't of course; but she is very deferential to everyone especially men. But him she interrogates like a parole officer, snarls at him, tells him to go back to his department, etc, ordering him around. She never does that with men so I have to assume it is the cross.

Interestingly enough Beau's team lead also wears a cross,and told me he was a widower with cats. I have yet to see a cat photo but I will ask (team lead) when I see him because cat people love showing them off.

Anonymous said...

I assume he is bothering her. He knows it but continues going to her department and persisting. Perhaps he should respect her and stay away from her.

Heather Knits said...

No he just comes up to me and I offer him candy, that's our little pretext. We chat a minute and he leaves. She came up to me when he was there, admittedly he was standing a little close, being nosy, began interrogating him. She had an arranged marriage. Maybe she is resentful? I don't know.

But something about him put her hackles up. Another co worker who is older than me, also had an arranged marriage, said he is "a big player" but I have only seen him talking to Juana and sitting at tables in the breakroom with mixed groups of men and women, speaking Spanish. That co worker says he will find me a rich man to take care of me. As we have seen I don't want to be financially dependent on a man again.