Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Wednesday night

 I had another moment tonight. I have decided I am going to crack down on the low carb tomorrow. 

My weight issues are many and complex in no small part to Ron comments like thin women can be sluts, no man wants a fat woman, etc. Add to that my conflicted issues about dating and a little food addiction and you have a mess. 

But I don't want to be fat and I'm pretty sure I hit the breaking point on that tonight. After work I bought some sausage, tuna,mayo, and pork rinds.  If I have healthy low carb things to eat I will eat them. My freezer is stuffed so I will start working on eating that up. I will get this: not to get a man but because I don't want to be fat and sick. 

I also have a nice sized box full of cute, smaller,clothes. I would like to get into them. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

It gets frustrating but try go easy on yourself. You're only human. It took me two years to get to my goal weight. When I got overwhelmed, I would think of the saying "You don't have to lose 20 pounds, you only have to lose 1 pound 20 times" That made it seem easier :)

Anonymous said...

It gets frustrating but try go easy on yourself. You're only human. It took me two years to get to my goal weight. When I got overwhelmed, I would think of the saying "You don't have to lose 20 pounds, you only have to lose 1 pound 20 times" That made it seem easier :)

Heather Knits said...

First step is no cheating. Second step no eating after 5 PM. I will take it from there.