Tuesday, April 4, 2023


 My head was a mess today but I got through work OK with no one guessing.  

My store has been under assault from homeless people camping out in front of the store, in the parking lot, on the corner, etc. Some of them are hassling me. It gets old.  But I got home OK in spite of it all. 

I knew it was bad on my first bus when I got on with the candy in my hand and the driver shook his head NO and cut his eyes at a woman I recognized from last night, the manic homeless woman who was dropping n-bombs on my second bus. Needless to say I did not hand out any candy until she got off; I could tell it would be dangerous to attract her attention. 

When I got off the first bus I was at a shared bus stop. I kept having buses (other routes than the one I rode, or wanted)stop so I gave them candy too and that was a big hit. Eventually my bus came and I got home. 

They are building the gas station!  So stoked about that! 

By the way I put a Scripture Booklet in with the candy, the recipient can do what they want with it. 

That's it for now. I turned on the AC for the first time today and it works. Praise God for that. 


Anonymous said...

As a mass transit rider for decades, I have to say I am very afraid for you drawing so much attention to yourself by giving out candy on buses, at bus stops, and seemingly everywhere else you go.
I don't think you understand how criminals think. You are making yourself a target. If you have money for all that candy, they assume you have money. It doesn't matter how little you actually spend on candy, they will think you have money. It doesn't matter how you dress or what you look like, they will assume you have money. There are plenty of people out there who do nothing all day but look for people to prey upon. Sad, but true.
I think your dedicated bible handouts were far safer. You went to a neighborhood and handed out bibles in a very public place and took a cab home. No one knew where you got on or off a bus. No one would see you on the same route or have any way to know your real life routines. It was much more anonymous.

Heather Knits said...

I will think about that. A couple things need to happen to get the Bible Handouts moving again.

Heather Knits said...

I have decided I will cautiously continue to hand out candy but I'm not going to bring my wallet anymore.