Saturday, April 8, 2023

Very early Saturday

 An interesting day yesterday.  I had a severe headache most of the day. That wasn't much fun. 

I have been asking God for encouragement on a couple of fronts: the love front (the longer I go the more convinced I am nothing will work out with Beau) and the evangelism front. I just never meet another evangelist. It's like that time on the Bible Handout some years back, a guy riding the bus saw me and Ron and was so struck by it he got off the bus, talked to us, took our photo: 

And left, then he put the photo up on Facebook to show his friends.  But I feel a lot of times like I'm out there by myself. 

There have been a couple people (Evangelical Christians) handing out tracts at my store. I always leave the tract where I find it with the exception of the time an associate found "Get Behind Me Satan" and gave it to me. I have seen the lady handing out the gray tract with the heart on it, she is an older black lady, kind of skittish so I did not say anything.  There is someone else handing out the Church of Christ tract which is very Biblical, and there is the "Gospel News" tract guy who hands out little "newspapers" with articles on the Gospel and Christian living.  

I did my shopping after work and paid up, got Jack his roast chicken, waiting outside under an overhang out of the rain, and an older white guy comes up to me.  He has a beard, a little taller than me, overweight.  And he has a "Gospel News" in his hand.  

He was not expecting my reaction. 😂  I grinned at him and I said "Oh, it's YOU!"  What?  "I work here, I have seen your tracts all over the store for years now and I wondered who was handing them out"  I dug in my bag and produced a bag of candy with the Scripture booklet.  "I do this, but I can't do it here or it's 'hate speech' [talks about sin, hell, fornication, etc.]) but you can because you're a customer". We chatted for a couple minutes. He is married. 

But it gives me hope on both fronts.  There is an evangelical guy out there for me, I just have to be patient. Of course I am a little leery because Ron, and another guy I knew, were evangelical wife beaters but there is a good guy out there who will respect and value me I hope. 

If I'm sitting at a table in the breakroom and Beau comes in he is sitting at other tables so I get the point. I think his big appeal he was the first guy I've been attracted to in decades. And he does look fine sitting there in his reading glasses. At least to me,but I think he is just "that" friendly with all women who will tolerate him. So that's that.  

I went to bed early, woke up early with another headache but I managed to vanquish this one.  I had a good time laying in bed petting the cats.  I'm up now.  

I need to do some grocery shopping after I inventory the fridge. I also plan to take a nice hot shower. I am kind of chilled right now running the heater. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

Ron handed out bibles but we all know he was a cheater and an abuser. So again basing your decision on faith does not mean you will be getting a decent man.

Anonymous said...

When I see that picture of ron all i see is an abuser and a liar.

Heather Knits said...

Well I am going to have a frank talk with whoever I date and tell them what's what. I will also say I need to see him very, very angry about something before I can commit. I have a secret I have hot shared but will need to be shared with a serious love interest and that ought to do the trick (wince).

Just to nitpick Ron never handed out the Bibles, I did that. And I was handing them out on my own years before he decided to come-along. He was my flag man I guess you'd say, attracting northbound traffic at the intersection while I worked on the southbound.

And Jesus is a physician for the sick. That's why He's my refuge...if only perfect people could have Him He would be quite alone. I hope you understand I in no way see myself as a perfect person. I am always working to please God and not myself. Sometimes I fail. I gossip. I judge. But I repent and I get back to it.