Tuesday, April 4, 2023

 I have decided I will let my history with Ron out with a gossip today. 

Just that he was verbally and physically abusive, cheated, kept me financially dependent on him so I couldn't leave, etc. If anyone at work is going to be interested (not saying they are) it is better they know that up front. 

Beau is off the next 2 days so I won't see him unless he comes in (possible, but unlikely) as a customer. 


Anonymous said...

Please don't do this. You are out of control. Just stop. Don't dredge up your entire personal life to virtual strangers at work. And yes I know this is ironic since you have a blog where you write about everything in your life. There is no reason to bring up your terrible marriage to these people. As for Beau if he was interested in you he would ask you out or you could ask him out. There is nothing wrong with dating but you see it as getting married if you go out with someone which is a little messed up.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment above. Beau may like you like that, he may not. But please let God lead. Don't run ahead of Him. I've done that, too many times and the outcome is never good. When the time is right and the person is right you will know because you will have God's peace and see his leading not His red flags trying to protect you. Not saying Beau is the wrong person or the right person. I think it's too soon to tell. But you seem to be going full steam ahead. Just slow your roll a bit and breathe. Ask God to show you and then WAIT for Him to show you. It seems also like you have some unresolved issues about your marriage to Ron that you might need to deal with before you get involved with someone else.
You are a kind, amazing person and I am sure God has the right person out there for you. But if it is not the person He picked or in His timing, you will have nothing but trouble. Believe me, been there, done that.

Anonymous said...

Decent people date with the expectation that it will lead to marriage rather than shacking up to fulfill their fleshly desires.