Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tuesday morning

I hand out lots of candy; I do have personal favorites.  Spearmints are always a good one, and lemon drops.  The two of them together mixed up in a bag so I could choose?  Perfection.  I would rather have that than a box of truffles which would give me a migraine anyway.

So while I had forgotten my large black and white tote bag full of "driver" candy I did have my "personal" lemon drops.  So I handed those out yesterday in handfuls to drivers, to a surprisingly good reception  One guy said I couldn't ride his bus anymore?  It was not a bus I EVER take?  I am not sure what that is about.  I was at a shared bus stop and stood there, when they stopped and opened the door I popped in and gave them candy, popped out.  Did that several times. 

Today I have "proper" candy with a couple handfuls of different types of candy (mainly pinata mix and some caramels) in a baggie with a Scripture booklet.  

I also have some "sanitized" candy (no booklet) for work.  I have to go to customer service, my new jeans were showing my butt every time I bent over.  Medium rise does not seem to work for me.  And my first cat tank top had a snag in it.  

I did get another cat tank top, it has little cat faces all over it.  I am wearing it over a black t shirt.  I think it's cute.  I will try to get a photo.  

I also have candy for my team, I know who likes what candy now so I bring it.  A surprising amount of non-latinos, Blacks and Hindus, like the Pulparindo hot salted fruit candy. So I make sure to have that.  I may see if I can score some more 75% off chocolate, that is always a crowd pleaser.  I can't eat it due to migraines but that doesn't mean others can't enjoy.  

I have my lunch packed by the door along with my vest.  I have my phone, keys, wallet, and a jacket as it is forecast to be very (20 mph) windy this afternoon when I get off work. 

That's it for now!  

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