Saturday, April 8, 2023

Some thoughts on love, what I had, what I want

 For over 2 years I was completely happy to be alone. Lately I have been missing having a man in my life, not really just physically (that didn't happen for a long time for obvious reasons), but just someone to look at me with love in his eyes, hold my hand, etc. I am not in a hurry for physical for a few reasons but just being around someone who loves me would be nice.  

Jesus died for me but he can't hold my hand or meet me after work for a cup of coffee.  The trick is finding someone who loves Jesus even more than I do; who puts God first in ALL things.  The Bible has a lot to say about marriage actually and Ephesians chapter 5 is one of them.   That a husband should love a wife as Christ loved the church even up to dying for her (verse 25).  

Ron did a lot of things wrong aside from physically abusing me, extreme verbal abuse, and some things regarding sex. He did not value me, did not respect me until the last month or so of his life.  It was great when he did but I want that from the start, this time. 

Ron physically cheated on me and did porn until we got married, then he did porn. He did not believe porn was cheating no matter how I told him it hurt me. He had tapes of sexual encounters where he had cheated and listened to those, he also listened to talking books from the government that had very explicit descriptions of sex acts and would play those again and again while he... you know. So that's a very sore subject for me.   Who could forget him playing those X rated sex scenes on his talking book machine while the plumber worked in his room?  

Now that's a question can I find a red blooded guy about my age who doesn't battle this?  I don't know. I hope I can find someone who has basically laid that demon  to rest, flees from temptation. But I don't know. 

But respect, cherish...that is what I want. I liked having someone to take care of, laundry, cooking, etc. I would love someone to rub my neck after work and rave about my cooking. 

But I have to work on my  relationship with God first. I made Ron my idol and I believe I would still lean that way so I need to guard my affections and ALWAYS KEEP GOD FIRST in everything and have a man who always puts God first as well. Because if I put keeping a man happy as my #1 job my faith life will go to hell and I don't want that. 

So I don't really care what a guy looks like as long as he takes care of himself. I had a customer about my age last night, very obese, wheezing, on a cane. He could not find any pants that fit and we go up to a 50 inch waist on the men's pants. He was pretty upset.  I told him I had lost a lot of weight with keto and he said he had to do something.  I hope he does before he ends up on oxygen in a wheelchair. 

I have determined I would rather have a sighted guy just because I enjoy having a man look at me with appreciation in his eyes.  Respect.  Eventually love I would hope. Getting driven around would be awesome as well but if he's epileptic or something and can't I would work with that and we could flip that and do an awesome bus/Uber ministry.  I have gotten around OK on my own paying for rides for years now and I can keep doing that if need be. 

On another note it is cold today, I am running my little space heater. Both the gas and electric bills were $43 each I thought that was funny. 

I had a good nap with the cats and slept so hard I didn't know the day or time when I got up, I had to check my cell phone. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

Have you thought about going to church to meet Christians?

Heather Knits said...

Well I need to find a PCA church in my area (Presbyterian offshoot) as that fits my theology best. The ones immediately near me are prosperity gospel God is a vending machine and I don't like those.

For now at least I do have Sundays off.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the marathon picture. It seems like you are really starting to shake off the past.

Anonymous said...

You might enjoy a non denomination Bible church. I do.
I was raised Christian reformed aka Calvinism. I only want the Bible, not rules and traditions of Man.

Heather Knits said...

@ Marathon the other runners called me the "Purple People eater" LOL The funny thing the obese white man in the gray shirt behind me was saving some energy, when he got to about mile 11 he pulled out in front of me and if I recall correctly beat my time by 20 minutes. Jose, the guy in the black hat, made about my time.

I am open to a non denominational church because (warning: church geek stuff ahead) I am mostly Presbyterian but I don't believe only some are predestined to be saved. I believe God wants ALL of us saved but only some will take Him up on the offer. I believe the rapture will be a massive trigger for many to repent. One reason I have "let it drop" I have a lot of Gospel material at my house.