Saturday, April 15, 2023

I got the house swept and mopped

 Did my God Time,need to clean the kitchen.  I will do that when I get back.  I've got the clothes in the dryer and then hang those before I go. I also need a shower; didn't see the point of taking a shower and then getting all sweaty doing housework.  

It looks OK now (except for the kitchen) off to do my shower.  Moderately depressed which is unfortunate. 

But I got out and ran my errands. I went to the Kroger and got my "power greens" it has a shorter use by date but it was half off so I took it (nothing else had a better date). I went to the other store and got more candy - I have opened the bags I bought Tuesday and I like having a reserve. I was able to find the spicy mix the Latinos (and Beau) like as well and some Pulparindos.  When I gave him one he turned to his friend and said "These things are crazy" in Spanish. 

I handed out a fair amount of candy which made me happy and came home.  Everyone was really nice today, and my perfume was on the porch. I got the name brand Red instead of the fake stuff I had been using and it is a million times better. I even had enough energy to fertilize my garden bed and mulch it. It looks better, not great but better and I got up some weeds. It's going to rain today and I want it to soak in the (dry) fertilizer I used, an organic mix called Epsoma Plant-Tone.  I have used it for a long time, I like it a lot. 

The cats are good. I need to play catch-up with the laundry and do some dishes and that is it for today; I already cleaned the house this morning before I left.  

That's it for now (nap time!). 

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