Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tuesday morning

I had too much caffeine yesterday so some difficulty sleeping.  But I feel better having locked things down for a while, changed my passwords, tightened up my Facebook, etc.  I could make the blog private with no readers but I don't think that is necessary yet.  

I got up on my own, Ron heard me moving around and wanted some kratom.  There is something about him he won't get it he has to have me give it to him.  I did.  The Pain Out Trainwreck blend works very well for him.  

I am toying with the idea of a TENS but was told it might not be a good idea as he has sensitive skin.  They are certainly affordable, though.  I bookmarked one with good reviews and available replacement pads - no good if I can't get new pads.  So I am considering that.  

I don't like to watch him suffering.  

I took care of the morning stuff (brush hair, ponytail, deodorant) and got cooking, literally.  I took out about 2/3 of a pound of smoked neckbone (a lot of meat on those bones) and am simmering it in some water with garlic, black pepper, and a handful of chopped frozen onion.  

And I cannot say enough about the frozen chopped onion, it is a game changer for me.  It is so easy to use because a lot of time I don't want a large amount or a whole onions' worth.  This way I grab my handful and put the rest back in the freezer.  

So it is in some water to cover (mostly) in my large pot.  That was kind of funny.  I did a big purge in the kitchen some time back.  I got rid of a lot of pots and pans because I felt I had a lot of redundancy and I wasn't cooking much.  I decided, correctly, I feel, I would be better served by converting most of that cabinet to canned/dry food.  

I didn't remember what stayed or not.  Anyway, I took out my black beans yesterday and measured them, soaked them, they blew up to over 4 cups.  I need 3 cups water (as I started with 1.5 cups dry) to cook them.  I have a 2 quart pot I have been using a lot.  I wanted to add a fair amount of smoked meat.  That wasn't going to work.  

So I sat down on the floor and dug around behind my canned goods, and found the big pot!  It holds about a gallon, so I am cooking everything in that.  I would rather have less food = more pot than too much food in the pot especially cooking beans.  It is the granite wear pot and I have very fond memories of using them especially to make soap.  

Not that pot, but back in 2000-2004 I made a lot of soap in a large granite wear pot.  I would melt the fats and oils in the pot, add the lye solution (!!!) and blend it with my stick blender until it set - it would suddenly become thick.  Then QUICK pour it off into molds to set for a month before I handled it because the lye was still working.  

It was a lot of fun no way can I do it now with the cats.  Plus even a small batch of soap makes many bars.  I only go through about one bar a month.  It might work if I did one batch a year but I like different soaps/scents so better to just buy it.  Swanson has a lot of very nice soaps the Out of Africa are very nice, etc.  I still have lavender, and wildflower, soap leftover from my Christmas gifts which is great, I love something I can use up.  I am not so crazy about the thing you stick on a shelf as I got rid of most of my shelves!  

Don't miss them, either.  :)  

I am very happy with how I have my home right now, like I told the social worker probably better than it's ever been.  Fresh paint, got rid of all the crap, even the garage looks good.  

I am not going to do videos for a while but you have seen it.  

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