Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tuesday afternoon

So, a really cool thing at Walmart in the hair care aisle (the one with the headbands, hair elastics, etc.).  Back around the pipe break the movers took ALL my toiletries so I had to buy new.  I found the Secret Outlast vanilla to be excellent, for instance, I got a cheap hairbrush with the stiff bristles, and I got a package of hair ties for 88 cents.  

They worked so well I look for that product line every time I go on that aisle, which isn't very often.  

My hair gets hot, it is waist length and very warm in the summer.  Ponytail helps a little but I like to clip it up on top of my head.  But I only have one clip in the bathroom and I use that for bathing.  When I finish washing my hair, I clip it up on top of my head so I can thoroughly wash my back.  It is a lot easier to get clean if I don't have long hair everywhere, so I need the clip to stay there.  

Today I found two clips paired for 88 cents.  They work very well I am wearing one right now.  Very happy.  Sometimes you don't always need the expensive thing.  

I don't know how to do my hair in a bun and I am not the personality type for it anyway, it is either down, ponytail, or ponytail clipped up on top of my head.  I used to have my hair in a bob about 20 years ago that was pretty easy.  But I got tired of it.  

When I was a kid my stepsister had shoulder length hair.  I wanted longer hair but my Dad had no idea how to care for it, and my mother before that wasn't even feeding me so... 

When my stepmother took over my care she said absolutely no long hair "You won't take care of it".  Well, I was never given the chance.  She always had it cut short in a layered pixie, it was cute enough but a lot of work always going to the hair dresser.  

When I was in high school I started growing it out a little.  It stuck out some because I have wavy hair.  Nothing major but my "captors" in the emotionally disturbed program took great exception.  To them I should have spent an hour on my hair every day like all the other girls... that has never been me.  Besides I had no money to buy hair supplies and my stepmother wouldn't either.  

Anyway, I got suspended a couple of times for "big hair" and then hauled off to the hair dresser again.  After I moved out I grew out my hair and surprise surprise I could take care of it just fine.  I just do the ponytail most days because that is easier and I was never really taught to do anything with my hair.  

I don't braid it, either.  At some point I need to have the ends done but no rush.  

I am doing a load of laundry again my washer has been getting a workout.  But I already ate and took my pills, Ron paid the gas bill, the A/C is running properly we are both happy with the temperature.  

I had a headache when I got up but the hemp smoke helped me out.  I am glad I have them.  

The cats are all good something got in the water fountain I need to change that out.  We got a water bill I need to pay that.  I am debating taking my shower tonight, it is pretty hot out and I'm not liking the idea of putting a lot of steam in the air.  

Ron is having a good day for pain as far as I can tell which is good.  Cleo just got up next to me she is so cute.  

That's it for now.  

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