Tuesday, May 26, 2020

I'm not asking for help.

I thought I should state the obvious. 
It seems like a fair proportion of readers seem to think I am asking for help and solutions.  As a general rule, I am not, unless it is a question like "What is a good chili powder?".  But when I talk about my personal life, caring for Ron, etc. I am not asking for solutions, advice, etc.  I am not asking for a "fix".  I am venting.  
Ron said this was covered in the Mars and Venus books, that a woman often has to say "I don't want an answer, I just want to vent" before talking to a man.  Once he knows that he can approach it "properly".  I see that with Ron sometimes. 
For instance, Biscuit had some minor eye irritation in one eye.  I talked about it to Ron who provided answers, I just wanted him to agree with me I did the right thing waiting a day.  I did and it looks much better, so glad I didn't take Biscuit back to the vet for an exam and eye drops.  But I had to tell him "He is already better, I just want to hear if I did the right thing waiting a day".  Once he got that he agreed. 
We had a cat who had an eye injury.  She had been a very loving cat who would cry at the door when I left.  After a couple weeks of eye drops she detested me so much she would hiss when she saw me coming.  So I didn't want to put the cat through all that if he could heal up on his own; and he has. 
But see, there I did not ask you to fix it or for advice, I had already made up my mind.  I have already made up my mind I will care for Ron as long as I am able.  I don't know how long that will be. 
As I've said, I have some health risks so I may die first.  You never know. 
But I was abandoned emotionally and physically by pretty much every adult figure in my life.  I am not saying that for pity, but to explain I know the feeling of being abandoned.  I will not do that to Ron if I am able to care for him. 
And, overall, he is "fine" right now.  I wish he would not get split pea soup on his pillow case when he eats, but that is a small thing.  He is pretty good about letting me do what needs to be done.  He is good to the cats.  I generally get enough sleep. 
I am OK, really.  I don't need "saving".  If I really wanted assistance I have phone numbers. 
Now I have trolls in a thread I had up about this, on a message board, and rather than discipline the trolls the moderator just deleted the whole thread and basically said any thread about my personal life will be deleted now. 
Doesn't seem fair.  It really bugs me when mentally unstable people I had BLOCKED for a reason are posting irrational crap and I get blamed for it. 

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