Tuesday, May 5, 2020

So it was a blog reader made the report

The social worker got ahold of us, she is very nice.  A very long interview.   

So, thank you for that, and the exaggeration.  She talked to me and then Ron.  

The rest of my day:  Got up, headache (!), smoked a hemp in the driveway, helped some.  Got ready to go and hailed a Uber, it never came, showed him stuck at 5 minutes away for an hour.  I gave up and cancelled that ride, Uber said no charge, and hailed another one.  Ashley was there in a few minutes and off to Walmart.  

I have been wanting ham so I got one of those packages of the chopped ham, some lentils - sounds like a good meal to me.  I got the fixings for veggie stew I will share that if it turns out OK.  Plenty of what I needed, lots of meat and fresh produce.  Canned goods were a little sparse.  

They didn't have Diet Dew only Dew Zero.  I got that I have had it, it is OK but not my favorite like the Diet.  Dr Pepper vendor was full of excuses why they didn't have a lot of their lineup.  I already had milk and cheese so I didn't look at that.  

I didn't get chips because: headaches.  Besides I have a variety pack here at the house if Ron wants some.  

I almost, but didn't, forget the cat food.  I didn't get any more treats we have plenty.  I looked at sheets, nothing.  

I got Ron some chicken strips (that is the default, we agreed, some time ago).  I paid.  I had gotten the red skin potatoes without a tag and had to run and get some.  I did that - had to have the potatoes for the stew.  

I bought a couple of double cheeseburgers for me and hailed a Uber.  

The social worker called on the way home, she is very nice, said we could talk later.  I put the groceries away and called her back.  

I had a very long interview and answered many, many, questions.  Then she wanted to talk to Ron and asked him some.  Ron kept saying he was happy although "I could kick his ass" not sure what that was about.  "Not that she would" why mention it?  

He told her about his favorite whiskey and admitted he drinks.  He said he loves our home and is happy in it.  

She wanted me again, talked to me some more, and hung up.  One notable thing was the food stamps.  Kept asking did I want them, did I have enough to eat.  Very sweet.  But, I told her, I am over 200#, I don't need any more food.  She laughed and let it drop.  

So stage one of that is all done, not sure what is next.  She got my doctor's name and the names of my medications.  All Ron's problems, mine too.  

He mentioned I "do everything" for him "poor thing" so I am curious to see where that leads.  She did ask if I did all the homecare and the house work.  We both confirmed I do.  She has to talk to the supervisor now.  

My head is still bothering me but not as much.  I am debating having another soda.  


Anonymous said...

So she told you it was a blog reader or you are just assuming again?

Glad she is nice.

Heather Knits said...

She told me "It was a blog reader". They apparently claimed we were ankle deep in urine and feces, etc. Social worker sounded pretty skeptical from the get-go.

She was quite happy to hear, when discussing the house, I told her about the pipe break, admitted things had been cluttered, hired the dumpster and did a big purge before everything came back. She said "wonderful" which is more than I got from most of the readers LOL I also told her things were probably the best they had been and offered to make her a video, which she declined. Apparently the cats were also mentioned so I told her I have 6 litter boxes, they are scooped daily, all are fixed, and Ron told her all about the catio (more than she wanted to hear, I'm sure). She sounded very relieved talking to us, and I am glad the call is over with - we are on the record being cooperative.

I stuck with the truth because, as the saying goes, you don't have to remember anything.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't me, your friend from RR, even though I figured out your address.
Haven't seen you at RF... it's a great group, much better than RR.

Heather Knits said...

I didn't think it was you I figured it was the one who had the tantrum when I complained about the report being made. It was very petulant which is in line with what the social worker said.

At one point I figured out how to look at property values online and Ron told his sister (when they were talking) what her house was "worth". I figure you are along those lines harmless but curious.

21K hits last month, thousands of readers a month ongoing... one of them was bound to be malicious. My stepmother thinks I should shut down the blog, but I am sure they would just creep my Facebook (which she does want me active).

Lots of fun explaining the Thing We Don't Talk About which I am glad Ron did not hear. That is the only thing I asked the social worker not to mention to him. She was happy with my explanation and what we use for that.

Anonymous said...

No on can look at your Facebook if you make it private. (Friends only)

It seems like you thrive off all this attention and drama, so you won’t ever do that.

Heather Knits said...

Blog did not have many hits for over a decade, I kept doing it.

I do this to "get it out" not "get attention". Interaction with the comments, assuming it's positive, is nice but not necessary. I only know my stats because that loads first now. Still getting a lot of hits from Norway (waves).

I have found it most helpful when I could keep a journal of some sort, I just chose to make it public because I figure maybe it can help other people get their issues sorted. Or, at the very least, have people walk away and say "At least I don't have it that bad".

Heather Knits said...

To the one I didn't publish... wow.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with accepting food stamps? you aren't taking from others it's allotted for you and would help with your tight budget.
It sounds like the social worker isn't concerned anymore. I'm surprised they didn't make a visit, though.

Anonymous said...

Are you concerned with the case worker reading your blog at any time and finding out things you did not tell? It's like every other day Ron has verbally attacked you while in a drunken stupor. You hold nothing back, you tell it all in your blog and other places you blog at also. I do wish you well but you are a hot mess.

Heather Knits said...

To the comments I didn't publish, I don't view it that way. It is not 100% awful all the time. Yes, there are bad points but I vent in my blog I think that is a healthy outlet.

Ron missing the urinal on occasion does not equal a squashy, urine-soaked carpet (anymore). I was clear with her on that I did cut it out. That if Ron is being a jackass I generally go write about it, that I walk away when he is ugly, that I understand he doesn't have a lot of places to vent his own steam, etc. We were both clear we want to be here.

7:50 I have enough to eat and I don't spend that much on food these days. Example, my veggie stew cost about $2 and will provide a couple of meals, especially with the gallon of milk I bought also for $2. Ron's favorite dish (the corn and beans thing) costs about $1.50 for a couple of meals worth. Cat food/treats only about $15 a week I spend more on litter.

They are not making home visits due to Covid she said they are worried they might carry something to a [feeble] client. I was clear I am open to making a video or having a home visit if they find it warranted. I think that attitude in itself dissipated any lingering concern. Someone with problems is not going to be open to a visit.

I did not mention this but I was clear he does have a drinking problem, that I saw why he did (many physical problems and depression), Ron admitted he is depressed and drinks daily, then spent some time telling her about his favorite pecan praline whiskey. I said yes he has had blackouts on occasion but he is bed bound so can't get into much trouble, generally just yells and falls asleep, he did answer some other questions from her clearly related to drinking. So they are clear on that, I didn't hide anything. Neither of us did.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm curious. It's the detective in me from stalking my prodigal daughter.
I don't and never will have Facebook.
((hugs girl))

Anonymous said...

I would never turn down free food. That would free up your budget for discretionary spending.
If they think you're eligible....

Anonymous said...

Did you talk to her about his cognitive decline? His recent increase in crying? His untreated depression?

Heather Knits said...

The cognitive has been a pretty slow roll so I didn't mention that. Both of us mentioned his depression. He was clear he does not want to take anything aside from his pain pill (he forgot to mention the prostate).

RE: the crying it was his mother's birthday recently and we have mother's day. I believe Ron, like me (I know this actually) was taught to never grieve anything to put on a brave face people don't want to hear your bullshit, etc. It has taken him a very long time to overcome that programming. So he has a lot of grief to catch up on, he lost so much personally, both his parents, etc.

If he ever decides he wants therapy I will be on board for that but it's up to him.

Anonymous said...

Funny you said he wasn't grieving over his m8ther but rather a teenage love song and list youth. Make up your mind.

Heather Knits said...

Sometimes a person will cry over something unrelated when they are grieving something else. I believe they are related. He had been close to his Mom until the accident and she was one of the big voices to put him in a nursing home.

He didn't believe me for years but she told him not to come over and stopped taking his calls, that did it for him. He put up a wall and was OK for a while even after she died. But lately I think it has been wearing at him.

About the other stuff not true, most of it. You can blame me but you are the ones taking posts out of context. I can say Ron was constipated and finally got rid of it and you would say he sh*t on the floor and smeared it on the walls.

And he is the one with a drinking problem?

I am still considering shutting the blog down for a while.

Anonymous said...

The reason I mentioned that the SW might do a home visit is because, well, anyone can sound like anything over the phone. Not saying you weren't honest, but how do they really know that without seeing the place? They don't know you and some people are liars (not saying you, but some are!), they must hear BS all the time. I understand it's risky with covid, but just don't be surprised if they do that. Shouldn't matter either way. If they come check and everything is fine, then they won't come back.
It's not how much food costs or what you spend that makes you eligible or not for food stamps. If you are eligible, why not take the support? Then you could put some into savings.
Why not take support to help bathe Ron and tend to his needs? No one can do it all.
Why not lock down your blog and Facebook to private if you're concerned about snoopers? It doesn't make much sense to put it all out there when people are jumping on you.
I enjoy your blog, but just a thought.

Heather Knits said...

I told her I was fine with a visit and offered to make a video and she said it "wasn't necessary". I believe she realized, talking to me, I was not who I had been painted out to be and drew her own conclusions. I was VERY honest with her about his drinking, my disabilities, etc.

If I can get assistance with Ron I will likely take it.

I have to make an evaluation at some point (not today) is the risk of interference greater than less than sharing my struggle? Right now I would say it is more important to share.

I am still somewhat convinced my sister made the report, it is the sort of thing she would do to "save" me against my will. The sort of amplification she engaged in she once had a full blown intervention on me because I drink diet soda. She is living in a fully hoarded house you can't even get to the bathroom but I have the problem. Riiight. She knew about my blog so I assume she is creeping.

I would say best odds are she made the report. I did block her from my Facebook but odds are she will just make something up if she doesn't have the blog.

Anonymous said...

You said a reader made the report. Now you are back to your sister making the report.

Heather Knits said...

The only contact my sister has is reading, so she could have made the report. She would only be able to get details of my life from reading. I cut her off several years ago because she is very sick and was determined to suck me into her games. She could very well be spiteful and vengeful enough to do this.

Heather Knits said...

A good example of my sister I sent her a letter saying I needed a break for one month to decide if I wanted to stay in contact and asked her to leave me alone during that period. She proceeded to stalk me to the point I had to block her, called my other family making exaggerations that I was in trouble and they (she and them) had to "save" me, etc. Sound familiar?

I had to field several very alarmed phone calls from other family who were furious when I explained the circumstances.

Of everyone I know on or offline she is the most likely to do this.

The sad thing if I really do get into trouble that ship has sailed and APS will not take it seriously again. Everything, to her, has to be a major drama she is unable to live a peaceful life. She craves drama like a drug. Say what you will about me I don't go making trouble I deal with what I am given.