Saturday, May 2, 2020

I got the card

Thank you very much that was really sweet.  I am saving it. 

I also got the insurance quote for next year, $1,500.  Not bad only a few hundred more than last year, and we all know they pay, don't they?  So keeping them. 

So that can be our stimulus money right there. 

Ron is having a hard time this year it is the anniversary of his mother's birthday and he is taking it hard.  She died a few years ago and he was NOT invited to the funeral.  He has the whole strong man suck it up don't grieve thing so he needs to let it out but it is a little disconcerting for me. 

I basically told him I'll be in the other room and I won't react to any noise you make, OK?  He said he would be quiet.  I said you don't need to be, but if you need me call my name.  So that is working. 

I decided to support a local restaurant and order some delivery.  I was over near there the other day (ethnic food) and it smelled really good so I am looking forward to it.  I ordered a tikka leg quarter, got Ron some Shwarma, a couple of samosa for us and some lentils for me.  It should be a nice dinner and not much more than pizza even with a generous tip. 

Poor Ron he sounds so miserable but he needs to grieve it out.  He can't bottle up his pain forever and I think it is very healthy.  Of course having a "traditional" background a man grieving is not something I'm used to but I think it is healthy to let it go. 

He is fine now.  And that is it, it's important to let grief out so you can get on with your life.  I bet he has a much better night now. 

I am looking forward to my dinner. 


Anonymous said...

How was your dinner

Heather Knits said...

It was excellent. Ron got a samosa (fried appetizer, spiced peas and potatoes in a wrap), so did I. Ron had a shawarma and ate most of it, got sauce all over his shirt and the bed but a good time made loads of yum yum noises so would do again. He loves shawarma.

I got a chicken tikka leg quarter, it was well seasoned and very yummy, I ate it to the bone. It came with yellow basmati (had some turmeric in it) rice and I got a side of flatbread with it too. Very good, would order again.

I also got some lentils but too full to eat them. I will try them today.

They are also close so we can travel to the shop if we want to eat in. Left a NICE tip for the driver so he's happy too.

Glad we tried that we can definitely do that every month or so. They have a pretty good menu so lots of choices. They are more an "Indo-pak" restaurant so do have beef on the menu.