Thursday, May 28, 2020

The time Ron almost got shot and zombie trees

#6 has come by to ask me a few questions about repairs, did I want him to trim MY trees while he was at it?  Sure, why not.  Good news the work should be done today. 
I really detest wearing my bra but I can't open the door without one.  Of course I am dressed but normally at home I free the girls and really find this uncomfortable.  So that has been the worst part so far, having to wear the bra. 
I was watching police dramas today and remembered the time Ron almost got shot.  Travel with me, if you will, back to the late 90's. 
Ron was "only" blind and has a scanner.  I will do a post about him and manuals later but for now he had a handheld police/multi band scanner that got all the "good" stuff.  He liked to wander around at night with the scanner in one hand and his long white cane in the other.  It has been quite a while since he has walked around with the long white cane. 
So one night there's a foot chase with the police and the bad guy runs through our complex.  Ron walks down from our second story apartment to see what he can hear.  The police announce they have spotted a suspect.  The officer asks what clothes the bad guy was wearing, white shirt and black pants.  Affirmative, he has the suspect. 
Ron turns and starts walking up the stairs.  'He's going up the stairs now, you got the back?"  they all affirm they are closing in on "the suspect" and suddenly they scream at Ron to freeze.  He stopped walking, put his hands in the air, and said "Don't shoot!  It's me!"  They stick a floodlight in his face (he could feel the heat), realize he's the neighborhood blind guy, and tell him 2 things. 
'Put that away" meaning the scanner and "Go back home" which he did.  He came in, very pale and shaking. 
I had no idea any of this had happened and was horrified and amused when he told me.  He almost got shot.  Good thing it was a different culture back then they might have said they thought he had a gun and not a scanner, in his hand. 
He stopped going out at night, after that, and just plugged into his rooftop antenna and listened at home. 
Now, that said I have heard about what happened this week, the police officer killing the young man.  That can't happen.  Rioting is not the answer, either.  Hopefully calm heads will prevail and this will be settled appropriately. 
I do wonder why the other officers just stood there (apparently, I did not watch the video) and let him do it.  When we had a case in Houston where a man married to an officer choked a public urinator to death there was a crowd trying to pull him off.  In that case the choked man also died.  It went to court and ended in a mistrial. 
That is not OK.  Do I have the answer?  No. 
It is very sad all around law enforcement has lost so much respect and the public is angry. 
So... the manuals. 
Ron used to buy tech devices that came with a manual.  He would ask me to read him the manual and tell him what all the buttons were.  I would ask to have the manual reading recorded because I knew he wouldn't remember. 
He would get angry and tell me he would remember.  I would read it to him and he would forget.  And I would have to read it again and again because, by gum, "He was going to remember it THIS TIME".  Eventually I said I would not read the manual to him unless he had a recorder going in his hand, that worked very well. 
He had a very nice handheld ham radio, an Alinco DJ-580-T.  I preferred the Radio shack HTX models, they had a 2 meter ham and a 440 (not in the same unit) and I liked them a lot.  They bore a strong resemblance to police radios so I NEVER got hassled.  In fact, some sleazebags would run away from me, once into oncoming traffic (they barely missed him). 
We got out of ham radio when we moved here because we couldn't find a good "community" hangout repeater (like a chat room).  And we had cell phones so we could talk to each other. 
I do think about getting back sometimes. 
So we will see what happens with Ron and the weather radio we had a communication fail.  He wanted one that did A, B, C.  I got that.  It didn't have a headphone jack.  He was adamant it had to do A, B, C, and a headphone jack.  Anything else?  No, just that.  So I ordered another, this time with his money. 
Today we were talking about it coming and he said "And it has bass and treble knobs!"  I told him no, it did not, you didn't ask for that.  You wanted A, B, C and a headphone jack and I asked. I was very unhappy and told him nothing ever made him happy. 
He realized they have many different models and the one he heard advertised was the deluxe model, he didn't ask for that and we likely can't afford it.  So hopefully he will be happy with what he is given. 
I really don't want to hassle with a return.  We will see. 
I am still waiting on my delivery but it is heavier and likely at the back and bottom of the truck.  The tree is almost gone from my yard it looks great, a lot of sawdust from the chainsaw but it's fertilizer. 
The funniest of all, it didn't snap at the base.  About 90% of it came down in my yard but 10% it standing up tall and proud in his yard, waiting to grow back. 
THAT is funny.  I hated that tree.  And it's not dead!  All that it's still alive! 
So Ron woke up I talked to him about the radio.  I fibbed a little and said I could not return it if he opened it.  He bitched at me for a while for "not understanding what he wanted".  I said you asked for a potato several times, I told you I was buying a potato, you got a potato and now that it's here you want an orange.  Selfish little brat. 
I also reminded him his back account balance "appears" to be "large" but I need a new computer, we need a new garbage disposal, and he needs to pay the insurance.  And I wasn't buying ANYTHING else until he took care of that. 
He said I "ruined his gift" and he would make sure to "ruin" my next gift, which is a JOKE as HE NEVER BUYS ME ANYTHING. 

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