Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Part two of Wednesday afternoon

I am just NOT UP for fighting with a computer right now.  Easier to just do a new post.  So, the tree fell in the yard.  It is a very big tree and occupies most of the back yard.  I couldn't go out as the weather was still bad but part of it was sitting on the cat cage, which is structurally OK. 
Of course the primary issue is the house OK?  The AC compressor is out back, was it OK?  WHOSE TREE WAS IT?  I just dreaded the thought of another insurance claim and thought for sure my company would drop me, after this. 
I made some phone calls.  My aunt wanted to know what kind of tree.  I don't know, a cheap, flimsy, crappy tree that broke in moderate wind.  He had two of them one in front, one in back, and they both broke.  Crap trees, that's what they are. 
This happened a couple of hours ago, he has not come home from work and no one has come to check if we're OK.  I am NOT HAPPY.  I will have a hard time keeping myself from biting his head off when he does show. 
So I finally got a chance to go out back when the worst of it passed, still raining but safe to go out.  Mud and rain everywhere I had to take off my flip flops when I was done because I kept slipping.  It is his tree, not mine, thank God.  He had BETTER have some guys out here tomorrow to get rid of it.  It did not touch the house or the AC unit.  The cats are all OK they had come in.  It is huge and literally occupies my entire back yard, which is thousands of square feet. 
He is damned lucky it went my way and not on his illegal additions.  His kids could have gotten hurt because I doubt he built the additions up to code.  The front tree broke away from their cars so they got lucky again on that.  I doubt he will file a claim if he is smart he will realize the adjuster will come out, see the illegal additions, and void his entire policy if he does.  He always utilizes "undocumented" workers so a lot cheaper for him anyway. 
He has been home for an hour, has freaking POTTING SOIL in the back of his pickup, hasn't come by to apologize or tell me how he is going to fix it.  I will give him until tomorrow afternoon.  If I don't see some activity I am going to call the news stations and the Spanish speaking ones can go to his house, stick a camera in his face as I have poor pitiful Ron in the wheelchair, and ask him what he plans to do to make things right. 
Ron fell out of bed that was exciting getting him back in.  I had to move the bed halfway across the room (not a big room), boost him into it, give him a little time to recoup, then put him in the wheelchair so I could move the bed back.  I cannot move the bed with him in it and don't care to try.  It is not worth destroying my back.  The worst part he fell on his talking alarm clock and it kept jabbering at us.  Very annoying.  I found a couple more empty urinals way under the bed so I tossed them.  He has 3 that ought to be plenty. 
I was glad #6 did not show while I was helping Ron I wouldn't have been able to answer the door.  But we will see like a lot of people he goes to bed late.  He probably wants to have "family time" before he comes by to tell us he will ante up. 
If he doesn't I am dead serious about calling the TV station he would look SO bad. 

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