Saturday, May 23, 2020

Saturday morning

I am still figuring out the "new" blogger.  I got up last night.  

I have read it is better to get out of bed until you feel tired, and then go back.  I can have a hard time dropping off and the last thing I want is to lie in bed for hours.  

So I got up, I looked at bean seasonings on Amazon.  Badia and Bolner's Fiesta both have good looking ones.  I may buy some later on I wish listed them on my list, not the gift list.  I also ran the dryer while the house is cool.  

I went back to bed.  I slept OK, slept in and got up at 9.   The cats were quite upset, they are used to breakfast between 4-7 AM.  

I should have fed them in the middle of the night and I will do that next time.  

I got up, took a shower, a lot of helping Ron.  He was OK at first but lacks understanding on pain management.  

He will come to me (I feel fine making this public, BTW, and thought before I began writing), I am in pain.  So I will give him various OTC remedies including hemp oil, essential oil roll on, magnets, Kratom, Advil.  He took his prescription.  

5 minutes later he is demanding I give him vodka - where he got this  belief I am his bartender I have no idea - I told him, ever so kindly, "Get it yourself".  

He then told me the stuff I had given him "wasn't working" - it had been 5 minutes.  And then stated that vodka was a "sure fix as it always did the job".  No, what I gave him does the job.  The vodka just keeps him entertained until it kicks in.  

I will have the pain doctor discuss this with him; that it takes a while for pain meds to work.  

He got pretty ugly so I walked out of the house and sat in the chair out front.  

He says I don't understand chronic pain.  He had a migraine once and he was weeping with it, and this was well before the accident, begging me to give him something to make it stop.  Then realized I dealt with that level of pain several times a month (back then).  He was very understanding for a while.  I get chronic pain I have plenty.  I don't make a production out of it and demand everyone in my circle come and tend me.  

I wrote somewhere else I imagine Ron would do a lot more for himself if I were not in the picture.  He has gotten spoiled.  

#6 is unloading an awning, folding tables and chairs, he had a graduation sign for his oldest out front for a few months now.  I guess they are having the party tonight.  I will endeavor to be understanding, not call the police.  I am encouraged he has the awning as that seems to indicate they are having an earlier party?  We will see.  They have been OK recently 

I didn't see any cats when I was out but it is in the upper 80's already.  

I have, for now, decided to keep the blog public as I think it is OK.  I can always make changes anytime I need to.  

I am not hungry but I probably need to eat.  I tend to only be hungry in the evening so I may just wait until then.  I don't think it will hurt me.  

If I get a headache I will point the finger at stress.  

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