Friday, May 29, 2020

Friday afternoon

So I decided Ron's attitude were just misguided protectiveness. 
He told me he was hungry and couldn't decide what he wanted.  So I fixed him a 2 course meal and teased him about his "breaded chicken cutlets" (nuggets) and a pork sausage link (the hot dog size).  He ate those and is snoring. 
The neighbor (#2) said they are replacing the fence tomorrow.  She said something about being "tired of replacing it" but she is getting her fence mixed up.  Her tenants and passers by have trashed the south fence to the point it had to be replaced twice.  The north side (mine) has never been replaced, it has been 16 years since I moved in, so clearly due.  Personally I would wait until the end of hurricane season and then do it as no parts of it are "down" but it's half hers. 
She really hates the one tree on that fence I said she can cut it down if she wants.  But right now, between us, my big priorities are paying the insurance and getting a new garbage disposal and toilet.  Once I get all that handled, fix up Ron's room (next on the list), and save up a nest egg then I can think about optional items. 
But I don't want a war, either, so we will see how it pans out.  She did get an eyeful of poor pitiful Ron in his wheelchair, I told her he is from the ghetto (Houston has various neighborhoods and I named his of origin, she was impressed at his street cred as that is a very rough area), so hopefully that will aid. 
And, worst case, we can make payments on our half.  Happily her tenants are mature adults who do not body slam the fence like some of the kids she had living there. 
It's just homeowner issues I can paint the house whatever I want inside, pick the floors, etc. but I have to pay for the fence and all the rest of it.  It would be nice if we were making more money. 
We did get the bill changer up and running so that should have some cash in it.  Ron made trips for work tomorrow.  Hopefully that will go well. 
At some point we need to go in to the bank and do our "change order" so I can get paid, and then I need to go to my bank and make a deposit.  I don't have a big transaction at the start of the month but I am going to take at least $125 out for Dad at the start of the month, do the second half after the 15th, and make the deposit to their account before the 20th.  They did say something about that so they are happy to be getting it, and I certainly intend to keep paying them. 
I also need to start building up my personal savings in case I have an emergency.  I can think of several things that would do it.  Ron doesn't, and won't, know about that. 
We also need to make the credit card payment as well, we still have about $500 on that.  Enough about finance. 
Spotty has been super cute today, very cuddly and sweet.  The other cats are awesome but he has really sparkled today. 
I took the pots off my wish list and got something else in there instead, with better reviews.  It is happily less expensive as well.  Ron seems OK today pain wise. 
My headache is better but I think I will have another hemp smoke.  I hope #2 doesn't see me I doubt she has a high opinion of smokers, even though it is not tobacco, medicinal, and does not get me high.  
Oh, I forgot to tell you, remember how I said the tree stump with about 5% of the tree that fell in our yard, was still up in HIS yard (#6)?  Well, he had his guys dig out the stump, which was bigger than my kitchen table.  Internet says average cost is about $700 to remove a down tree so he doesn't want that again, and the fence repair (he had a crew do it) was probably another thousand. 
Thank God he chose to foot the bill.  I am guessing that stump removal set him back another $300 at least. 
But the fence is up on that side, looks good, I am happy.  Supposedly the fence is going up on the other side tomorrow while we're at work. 
I rearranged a few things so they can take down my old fence easily.  So, I have fences on the north, east, and south edges of my property.  The front yards are not fenced here, only the back.  So when this is all done I only need to worry about the east fence, which is one of the longest.  HOWEVER the people who bought the house behind me some years ago replaced a lot of the fence. 
Ugh, done talking about Ron, fences, neighbors, and money. 
I need to figure out dinner.  I have decided to move out tv dinners and make room for dinner fixings, like a bag of chicken nuggets vs a nugget dinner, etc.  I think it is a better policy and we will get more meals out of our admittedly small space. 
I want a treat, something someone else fixes for me.  It has been an awful week between Ron's back, my migraine today, the tree coming down, dealing with BOTH neighbors, etc.  Even Biscuit got sick but is doing fine now.  I have stayed on top of the laundry, housework, Ron care.  Very pleased with that.  I did a terrible job of doing nice things for myself but did get and am using a very nice bodywash.  I will work on it. 
I'm just glad I'm not on the hook for fixing two fences and the tree cleanout. 

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