Thursday, May 7, 2020

There was talk about my stove

Took the knobs off years ago as Ron was bumping them and turning them on.


Anonymous said...

I would love to see the stove in the context of the entire kitchen. Not just that little section. It looks like you have boxes on the left and other stuff piled on the right. Plus the stove looks too short for the cabinets. I am really sad you have to live this way because you work hard and have nothing to show for it income wise and it reminds me of my broke college days and the crappy shit hole we used to rent.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong in removing the knobs. I did that when my sons were toddlers to they could turn the eyes on.It is a safety measure. Now the nobs are at the back and my sons are adults, ha.

Anonymous said...

Your stove looks fine btw.