Monday, May 11, 2020

Setting some boundaries

I have tried to be open minded but I am redefining abusive comments.  Calling me a liar, stupid, etc will get your comment deleted.  If you don't like me don't read!  It is VERY simple.  

Presumably you have a bookmark: delete it.  You can always google in a few months if you get curious but I am done being a forum for ongoing verbal abuse.  At least Ron is sorry, and apologizes, some of you it's just a steady toxic diet of abusive comments.  

I am sure many of you know exactly what I'm talking about.  Here is a simple fact I will state AGAIN, one I stated to the social worker: I KNOW HOW TO GET HELP.  If I really can't take it any more I can call one of a couple of numbers I have in my phone and set wheels in motion.  

No one wants a tragedy so they will help me should I need it.  SHOULD I need it.  

And I thought it was bad when the Rabble Rousers Message Board had an ongoing Heather thread, they would come and read the blog every day and go talk about it on their board.  I caught it because I got a lot of referring links from the board, I do have a stats feature here which is why I know Norway likes to read (waves).  I made a post about gossips and they left a couple of very nasty comments, and stopped.  But they stopped.  

So redefining abusive and I will be deleting a LOT more, I think some readers are going to say it is PAST time but like I said, I try to keep an open mind.  

That's done.  

I slept pretty well last night.  I did find something SUPER encouraging last night.  You may know my house is the actual property line between us and #6, so the kids come out to play and stand inches from my bedroom wall.  I heard a soft little voice last night speaking cajolingly, saying "meow" and "Nice kitty" etc.  SO ENCOURAGED to hear that.  At least one of the kids is cat friendly.  And the cat stayed out there until the other kids came out.  Very good.  

I slept great, no headache, had some cold diet Dew in the fridge when I woke up.  I do intermittent fasting these days, I don't eat until after 11 (sometimes later if I am not hungry), and stop at 7, I am usually in bed pretty early anyway.  That is working well for me but I don't do breakfast.  

I fed the cats and took a shower.  I had to go pay the electric bill.  My choices were Kroger or Walmart.  I wasn't impressed with the inventory level the last time I went to Kroger so I went to Walmart.  It wasn't busy at all, it was great, I had a nice Uber ride each way as well.  

I have heard - you can make your own determination on this - meat prices will go up next week.  So I spent some time in the meat case.  I would have bought a frozen chub of ground beef if they had it, but they only had fresh and I didn't want to hassle with freezing it.  I basically only wanted it if it were frozen.  I have 4 pounds (individual) of ground turkey, which I like, and two singles of ground beef already in the freezer so NOT stressing on that.  I did want some pork.  On my hunt for the ham ends (found them!) I stumbled across smoked pork neck bones.  I have heard about them but never tried them.  Normally I just do the fresh ones.  I like those so it seemed good to try the smoked, I think I will really like it.  

Can diced tomatoes
Garlic clove 
Black pepper
Diced red potatoes 

Sounds good to me.  I got the ham ends and I also got some chopped ham I like that for cooking beans, just throw in a cup when you start.  I also got the ham bouillon (Mexican food section) it is really good for beans.  More split peas Ron loves them the way I cook them, some spices (I would hate to run out of spices), cat food, etc.  

The men's clothing section was decimated but the women's plus size had some nice shorts in my size, I got one in denim and one in knit.  I am very casual and comfortable in daily life although I can dress up if need be.  

I looked for some things but didn't find them.  I paid the electric bill (before all the shopping) so that is done for the month (it was $60 if you are interested).  

I went to the deli.  They had corn dogs.  I don't know what it is something about going to Walmart I always want a corn dog, and I hate them in normal life.  But they had them so I got one for me, some chicken strips for Ron (that is our default I always get them), and a small mac and cheese for me (sounded like a good lunch).  I ate the corndog waiting on my ride, he came quick.  

The worst part of the day: They had Baja Blast Dew Zero.  I thought, it's a Dew, those are always good.  IT WAS HORRIBLE I HATED IT and I love Dew I drink literally dozens of Dews a week.  But this was so bad I had to gag it down.  I only like the classic Dew, that is apparent.  I can do either the Diet or the Zero.  But not the Baja it was so awful.  

If that's the worst part of my day I am doing really well.  


Heather Knits said...

And another one deleted... name calling is NOT OK. Calling names, including "liar" and "stupid" is NOT OK. Using derogatory psychobabble terms to "label" me is NOT OK.


Anonymous said...

Why even have a comment section? How come you can't put your foot down to ron about his verbal abuse and drinking?

Anonymous said...

Remove your comment section and just blog. You don't need the comments. It is not like they are productive for you anyway.

Anonymous said...

You are continuing to engage this person (or these people) in the comments. If you want them to stop, don't put the comments up and completely ignore them. Don't write follow up blog posts addressing them, and don't acknowledge them in the comments.

Anonymous said...

Turn off the comments! You don’t need them to “help” anyone with your story.

Heather Knits said...

Some of the comments are helpful; I'd like to keep them.

I think I will be OK as long as I am ruthless about deleting the nasties (and I don't perceive the foot down comment as nasty more baffled).

I am pretty sure my sister is trying to engage via comments and likely the report so I'm not going to feed that. When I was 10 I was given a bag my stepmother found in the attic, a nice christening gown and some cards my parents got on the occasion, most of them warning my parents they would have problems with sibling rivalry, as, up to that point, my half sister had been the only child in the house. I didn't get it at the time but I do now. She is extremely bitter and has driven everyone who cared about her, away. She allowed herself to be used in head games and wasted her life on that, now they're all dead and she is stuck in a cult in a hoarded apartment with, last I heard, all her kids thousands of miles away. That's not a life anyone plans for themselves.

I believe she told herself I would leave Ron one day (I typed that as LOVE Ron the first time!), and she could swoop in and "save" me, in return I would be her Mommy until she died. It doesn't work like that and it will never.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other commenter that you need to stop commenting a response every time you delete a mean comment. Just delete and ignore. “Don’t feed the trolls”

Anonymous said...

I doubt your sister visits your blog.

Heather Knits said...

I hope she doesn't. She doesn't take rejection well, though. She stalked me for quite some time after I told her I needed a month - month- to think things over and behaved so badly during that time I made the break permanent.

She called my parents making wild claims and saying "we" (her and them) "had to SAVE Heather" etc. Implied she thought I was about to kill myself, etc. really put their backs up and they told her, quite appropriately, to BACK OFF. She kept bothering me after that but I blocked her number.

The really alarming thing for me is she was under psychological care 3x a week, seeing a psychiatrist, and taking medication at this point. And had been doing all of it for quite some time (years). Not one of them was able to rein her in or get her to realize stalking = bad. That is profoundly disturbing.

She used to mention reading things in my blog when we talked every week (she was another one for the weekly phone call). So when I think who would want to hurt me? Who would stalk me? Who wants to fork up my marriage? I go to her.

If God shows me I am wrong one day I will apologize but it is generally the first person who comes to mind in a situation like this.