Friday, May 29, 2020

I am rather offended

The neighbor came by, said "our" tree fell in her yard.  When I got a look at it, it was actually #6's tree a limb broke off and went flying in her yard.  I didn't argue it, I went out and talked to her. 
Gist of it: the fence needs to be replaced (not from this just old) and she wants us to "help".  I said that is reasonable but we are very low on funds.  She said she understood but we had to pay something, I agreed and said all I had was $100.  She said that was good so I did that. 
She spent a lot of time talking to contractors, etc.  I eventually went back home.  When I left Ron she had said that "our tree" fell in her yard so I went to correct that and explain it was one branch. 
He got very agitated and got dressed, in the wheelchair, said he had to come with me and make sure I wasn't "bamboozled" kept going on about how I was "soft, weak, and (easily manipulated)"  He went on at some length. 
I said I couldn't be tricked into paying money I didn't have, I would only pay HALF, max, and only $100 a month because we could barely afford that.  I asked him what did he expect, she would berate me, I would cry and agree to pay everything?  With what?  He still kept going on about how I was a gullible sap, etc.  VERY insulting. 
When I have I ever let someone get the bad end of me in a deal?  Never.  The worst I will do is pay an obviously phony refund at work, and, if I do, I take the "defective" product away so they don't get to enjoy it, and their money.  The one time I did that the worst offender stopped and has never filed another one. 
Anyway I took him out, he had a sour expression on his face.  She took one look at him and left.  So that's done. 
I got him back into bed and he is complaining.  How does he think I feel? 
I am just glad I didn't have a neighbor on each side demanding I pay half the fence because I really don't have that kind of cash. 
She also said she wants to get rid of the red-tips I am OK with that now because a couple of them have gotten sick and died.  Also, she is not renting to "no boundaries" section 8 families with feral children running all over my yard, anymore.  The current tenants are fine and I like them. 
But I was really hoping for a nap... that is not going to happen today and I have to wear the damned bra again because she may come back.  [sigh]

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