Monday, May 25, 2020

The great curry massacre

Yesterday I made Ron his split peas, the recipe he likes.  He is a "make the same thing over and over again" kind of guy. 
I remember his horror when, many years ago, I suggested putting carrots in the gumbo.  He was aghast. 
For my own food I like to change it up now and then.  About half the time I wish I hadn't.  One reason I don't buy expensive cuts of meat, etc. unless I am using a tried and true method. 
But I have a fair amount of lentils.  Since I plan for worst case I figured, a while back I would be eating a lot of rice and beans.  As a result I might want to spice them up, I bought various curry powders.  I may have written about it. 
I had some energy at the end of the day yesterday so I decided to make curried lentils.  Mistake #1, I bought curry in a plastic bag (it was sealed of course).  #2.  I did not smell it before I used it.  So I wasted a (small) pot of beans on that I kept putting powder and it still didn't smell or taste right, just a faint and icky anise flavor.  I had no problem tossing that when they cooled off.  I threw away that powder.  I found another one "best buy 2017" (small plastic jar) I threw that out too.  I have a 3 ounce glass jar, and a 7 ounce pouch I just bought so I will try the pouch I think, if it is good put it in one of my canning jars with a screw on lid. 
A lot of curry ended up in "the bin" at the end of the day.  And I need to find a really good curry that works for me so I can buy a pound of it. 
If that's my worst problem...
I slept in, got up and gave the cats both dry food, and wet food with probiotics in it.  I think that is just a good daily practice.  Yesterday the tom cat tried to get in the house again, he is a dead ringer for Spotty, and intact, so likely Spotty's father.  He does spray things in the yard so I wouldn't want him even fixed. 
My cats are united in their hatred of this poor fellow and four of them ganged up on him and beat the snot out of him when he tried to get in yesterday.  Even then I had to go over to the cat door, lift the curtain, shout "You're not my cat!  Go away!  I don't want you!  You don't live here!" etc. before he reluctantly left.  He looked so disappointed. 
But I did not have my adoptive mother spend HUNDREDS on new curtains for me, I have (what I consider) nice bedding, afghans I made, etc. all over the house to be peed on.  Yes, I know about Nature's miracle.  Do I want to have to go buy a bottle?  No.  Oddly that was another thing taken by the movers. 
I also spent some time with Cleo on the couch, petting her and singing made up lyrics to Tik Tok at her "Calico on your nose, nose" etc.  She purred so she must have liked it.  She is actually rubbing up against me now and purring.  She's a sweet cat who seems to have picked me as her person. 
I don't feel bad for Ron, he has Baby Girl.  And Spotty would love to be Ron's cat. 
I took my shower and Ron asked for a bed bath, got it, I was pretty quick too.  It is warm enough he doesn't need a heater during the bath.  That's all done. 
The only thing I would do differently I used two squirts of soap in the water, one would have been plenty.  But he's clean and happy, and was very cooperative during the bath.  He is happy in bed. 
He is, to quote the cereal, going to poop like a champion after all the split peas.  He ate two big bowls today.  I need to get a bigger pot so I can make double batches!
Cleo just can't get enough petting, I offered her treats she doesn't want then, just lots of petting.  I think she is making up for no soft pets during the first year of her life.  She is just super cute, good looking, and a nice little cat.  I'm glad she came back after the pipe break. 
She hasn't been sleeping with me lately but 3 did during my nap yesterday, that was pretty funny with Spotty in my armpit. 
Happily I don't need to do laundry today I have a couple cleaning rags drying out in the laundry room and then I will put them in the basket but wet rag + dirty clothes = huge mold issues. 
The house doesn't need much I will do the boxes of course and maybe sweep but I have been staying on top of the dishes.  It is a lot easier to work in my kitchen now that I rearranged it and threw away a bunch of stuff I don't miss. 
We had a pretty good amount of rain last night but nothing massive, but enough to water the plants and keep the foundation from shifting. 
They brought me real Mountain Dew on my last order that is a lot of calories but I am cheap enough to drink it.  Just a 6 pack of bottles, not a case or anything. 
That's it for now. 

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