Sunday, May 31, 2020

"I need one of those in my house"

Ron was asleep when I lay down for a nap.  I didn't want to wake him up just to tell him I was taking a nap, he has a hard time sleeping.  So he woke me up yelling about his Dad.  He used to listen to "the game" with his Dad and they were doing a replay of an old Colt '45's one.  The Houston Astros used to be the Colt 45's.  So that brought up a lot of memories for him. 
He has not done a good job grieving the loss of his parents but seems to be getting around to it this year.  I am not going to tell him to shut up.  I am in no way a shrink but I do view his mental health as important as his physical. 
I do what I can, and now and then he listens to me vent so I think it's equal. 
I also fed him some chicken nuggets so he is OK for nutrition.  I do need to get more nuggets, though.  The pork is still cooking I will take it off the heat around 7 PM, cool it down, and put it in the fridge. 
I got the laundry going.  That should be done in a few hours. 
So we got tomorrow all sorted out he was a little confused and thought we had already gone to the bank. 
I am glad all the work is done outside, we just need to check the balance and see if we can mail the insurance check, which we really need to do.  Quality insurance is a really good precaution everyone needs to take, even renters.  I am really hoping we don't have a claim for another 16 years. 
I almost, and I love trees, want to cut all my trees down so I don't have to worry about them falling where they shouldn't.  But I think that is excessive. 
I was thinking (after Ron had hollered for me yet again) Ron is a good person to love if you are a "doting" personality and like having someone to pamper and spoil (not all the time, for me).  I lean more that way so generally it does not bother me as much. 
And then I got to thinking about when I was hospitalized for depression back in the 80's.  I was suicidal.  They didn't know back then, giving a very depressed teen antidepressants often made them suicidal.  I was basically a guinea pig for that.  They had enough "Heathers" they put it together. 
So there I am in a locked ward psych hospital.  It was pretty much the same as a regular hospital I can still remember the TERRIBLE poached eggs they had every morning.  If you didn't eat they would give you an ensure and sit you at the nurses station until you drank it and some time after to make sure you weren't purging.  They just had to threaten me with the ensure and that was enough. 
Anyway I was in therapy pretty much all day, classes a few hours a day - I did very well as they let me read all I wanted and write reports, etc.  Rarely someone would snap and they would get hauled off to "the quiet room". 
You have heard about the padded room this was it, it was completely carpeted.  I never needed it I just cried a lot.  They were very nice about it.  They would just get me a box of tissues.  That was my only hospitalization. 
They also taught me I could refuse medical procedures I was terrified of blood tests and they said I could refuse; I did.  My parents were most upset but my wishes mattered.  It was nice to know.  Other than that I participated fully in my treatment. 
Anyway we had visiting hours, if you had behaved you could have visitors and I behaved.  The staff used to give the tour - it wasn't a huge facility, and when they got to the quiet room everyone said the same thing "I need one of these in my house" I always found that funny.  Builders have it all wrong.  We don't want granite, we want a quiet room.  Maybe a builder will read this. 
Sometimes I think I could stand to let loose with a good banshee scream (this is what brought all this up), and a quiet room would be great because I don't want to scare the neighbors, especially now.  Could I get in the habit of just going somewhere and cutting loose with a good scream for a while? 
Maybe someone could do quiet rooms the way they do tanning salons and people could go in there, scream, hit the walls (sign a waiver?)?  It is something to consider I might do it. 
Although I tend to think I would like to do the foot massage, then I always go to staph infections and talk myself out of it.  Some women have ended up at the hospital after a "pampering day".  I do use Dove on my feet in the shower.  I figure my feet could use the moisture. 
So I heard a knock on the door and looked, a package!  Yay!  From Herbalife - not yay... my sister got me some Herbalife years ago and it was so vile I couldn't drink it.  Even pea protein (pretty grim) is better.  So even if I had been malicious I wasn't keeping it.  I looked up the address, a ways away.  I put my shoes on and walked over.  No one answered but it's a decent area so I left it on the porch.  It felt like vitamins.  And I am sure Dulce was looking forward to it. 
When I got back home I found a very freaked out delivery man holding my rug in one hand.  He wanted the package, he was supposed to bring the rug but left the vitamins.  I explained I had already done it and he was relieved, gave me my rug.  He probably would have gotten in big trouble.  But he was just a kid so I don't fault him.  Some people are better at deliveries than others. 
Now Al was great, he was my UPS guy when I lived near work, on the third floor.  He used to bring me big buckets of coconut oil, fragrance oils, etc. for my soap and candle making.  One day he said "What the hell are you doing up here?!" which led to me giving him some soap.  I would give him a little gift every time he made a delivery it was really nice to see a smiling face, and he was so nice about it.  I miss him. 
From what I can tell I am not on a regular route out there the way I was back then.  It seems like a different delivery person every time.  Even the mail carriers don't last very long this is an ugly route. 
I am glad I got a nice walk, and my rug, out of it.  I don't want a lot of rugs but a runner by the sliding door seems wise, it is a pretty floral design and purple to match everything else.  I may put up a picture.  Spotty likes to lie by the curtain so a lot of orange cat hair on the curtain.  The lint brush isn't doing much with it so I will have to get a sticky roller.  In the meantime there is cat hair. 
But it doesn't matter because I won't have to deal with 50 nasty comments about the cat hair, will I?  That is a nice benefit. 
Cleo has been super cute and cuddly today.  She got in bed with me for petting and was just on the couch next to me wanting more petting.  She has done so well and I am very proud of her.  Ron is a little disappointed she won't have anything to do with him but I explained Baby Girl has claimed Ron as her personal property
That's it for now. 

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