Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tuesday afternoon

I decided to go to Walmart, so I did that.  First ride was OK.  I got everything on the "vital" list.  I would have got more split peas but a store employee was standing by the beans looking stern.  I got the ham, seasoning, etc.  I got the cat food. 

I found oregano oil on clearance and bought it up.  I have already given a bottle to Arturo so I'm not "hoarding" it.  I put another in a bag for my aunt and will keep the last.  I am a big fan of oregano oil and sorry to see it go. 
No sheets at all, no spam, limited pasta.  I did get most everything on the list.  I was happy about that. 
I didn't find my tampons but got something else instead that has proven to work.  I found some nice bodywash in the men's section of the soaps.  It smells like a pine forest, I love it and got it.  I don't care if it is for men.  It was a little more than I spend ($7) but will last a while. 
I paid and went outside.  I won't bore you will all the details but over an hour later and still no Uber.  I was NOT HAPPY.  I called Arturo, HE came.  Good old Arturo I will be calling him more.  I gave him the Oregano Oil because I would hate to see him sick. 
I only buy Oregano oil in capsules, I had a bottle of the raw oil once and it was vile.  No one can do that.  I didn't even have that much, some Diet Dew, a case of water (coming up on hurricane season), cat food, etc. 
I got home and had been home for an hour when the driver called wanting to know my location.  That's just sad.  I took the $5 hit to "cancel".  Yes, I could probably get it back but I want it over with. 
All I will say is if you take a trip, take the trip.  Don't say you are coming and drive off in the opposite direction and park miles away.  In my opinion Uber needs to work on this.  This happened another time with me. 
But Arturo can use the business so I will be calling him more.  I will also go back to doing deliveries as well.  Although I had a bad time the last time I did that, I just haven't had a good time with Walmart lately. 
But I did get the very nice body wash I will use before I go to bed tonight.  I was standing there in the hot sun, nowhere to sit, my feet screaming thinking about how nice it's going to be to take a shower with my piney bodywash. 
I have had the shoes for a while, they are clearly shot so I tossed them when I got home.  If a shoe is not at least 90% for my feet I'm getting rid of it.  I would rather only have 1-2 good pair then a bunch of shoes that hurt my feet.  Plus I have to store my stuff one way or another. 
But I did get home.  I put everything away, some of the ham in the freezer, the rest in the fridge.  1 package will make 2-3 pots of the split pea so it's a very economical meal.  I have split peas for Ron, also fried chicken tenders from the store.  So he's set for days.  I got myself some pudding to eat for dinner, it is hot and I don't want anything heavy. 
I will do a load of laundry when I'm "done" for the day (with clothes) I have enough for a load.  I don't like big piles of laundry if I can help it.  Normally I wear clothes a few times if they are in good condition before I wash them, but I am phasing out of that, especially if I go to the store.  It is easier to just wash it. 
Ron was drinking in his room so I put some catnip on the bed so he and the cats could get buzzed together.  Baby Girl isn't a responder but the other cats are and have a good time.  Biscuit ate a considerable amount.  Good to see them having a good time. 
That's it for now. 
Edit: rather than do a new post I just added.  New body wash was very nice.  I smell vaguely woodsy but not too strong like those guys who douse themselves in cheap cologne.  I got my legs shaved, yay me.  I swapped out my razor I have been using that one for months. 
Spotty came home with a lizard, which I caught and put out.  It didn't run fast enough and Spotty got it again, it is somewhere in my home.  Hey, I tried.  Not my fault it is a dumb, suicidal, lizard. 
I want to do something with lentils tomorrow after work.  I have a little ham left.  It depends on my mood and energy level.  Something sure fire.  I need to think about it. 
I got some onion powder today that will help.  I also got some screw on plastic lids for my canning jars so I can put spices in them. 
I am doing a load of laundry now, the clothes I wore today and some other clothes.  Ron is pretty hard on his clothes (stains) but the Shout Gel has proven very effective.  I have a good amount of that and very happy I do. 
Carlos really did a great job fixing up my house.  I am so glad he has before and after photos to show people, plus my sparkling reference on the website AND my number available for any prospective customer to call.  I am super happy with his work and will be calling him back. 
First we have to get that homeowner's insurance paid.  Ron wasn't happy with the total but I reminded him 1.  They did not jack our rates much.  2.  They actually pay  3.  They did not drop us.  4.  They did not try to screw us over or play games, they just got their reports and cut a check.  So they are getting paid first. 
Now I'm done for a while. 

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