Thursday, May 7, 2020

Steakhouse wasn't open

It was a long day.  Got up, got Ron ready, off to the warehouse.  They weren't going to let me in until I produced Ron (they had to unload him), THEN we're welcome.  A disabled senior just what they opened early for...I was able to find most of what we came for but Dr Pepper is really dropping the ball.  

Fresh meat was pretty picked over but plenty of frozen... I bought what I could for work, we went to work.  

Ron decided to sort change (we needed to do it) but he took most of the time setting things up and sorting change.  We didn't have most of the soda due to Dr Pepper dropping the ball with our deliveries and the supply chain being hosed... I didn't have it to stock.  I did have a fair amount of snacks so I focused on that.  

I worked my ass off and didn't even have time to sit down, my feet are still killing me.  Ron came out and we loaded the changers (we have 2).  Good, that will convert quarters into spendable bills without a trip to the bank.  

 Ron found out the soda machines were empty and blew up; accusing me of "sitting around and talking all day" that was so ridiculous even the Postal workers were laughing.  I walked off for a couple minutes and came back when I had calmed down.  

We have to come in tomorrow, anyway, for a repair ($$!), so we can do what we can, then.  I didn't see the frenzy.  He was OK once he got one case of Coke stocked, I guess that voice in his head wouldn't let him leave it "empty".   

He was the one sitting down all day playing with quarters while I did the actual stocking.  

We went out, our ride had just arrived, we had a straight trip home.  I am going to miss this when things go back to normal.  

Ron decided to monopolize the toilet without asking me if I needed to use it.  I gave him about 15 minutes and asked, he took another 5 or so to finish up.  It is a good thing I don't have toilet issues or I would have had a real mess waiting.  Once he moved off I was done in 3 minutes, I just didn't feel it was very respectful to linger so long because "I might not be finished".  He can come back!  Especially knowing I needed to use it.  

Normally this is not a problem but we only have the one bathroom in the house, and that's a big reason it wasn't at the top of the market when it was listed, who wants a one bathroom house?  Not many.  It is, in my opinion, very "cute" bungalow orange with white trim, very cheerful, I put a lattice up by the porch with the jasmine, I think it is nicely homey.  

But I was tired so I took a nap.  I put my feet up on the wall, laying in bed, facing the wall at the head of my bed, when I was waiting and it did help my feet.  I could also look at my forest poster and enjoy the art while I waited, I will do that again, it was very nice.  Torbie came and laid down with me and we had a pretty good time.  

Once I finished up I laid down for a nap.  

I had a snack when I got home, a can of green peas with a LOT of salt, last night I ate a lot of salt out of the shaker actually and it helped my headache, so I think some of my headaches have been salt related.  I noticed I had a very minor headache when I got up, not half as bad as I have seen in the past, so I think I am onto something.  

It is an easy matter to eat a can of vegetables with a lot of salt, for lunch, every day.  Quite a few canned vegetables out there to keep it interesting.  

Ron was hungry and wanted something.  He decided on Kabob Korner.  They are nearby and very good, we got them a few days ago and I was very impressed, particularly with their lentils and pan bread.  

I am concluding I don't need meat at every meal.  Why, if I am just as happy with lentils and pan bread?  I am still getting protein.  I don't have to have a chunk of meat at every meal.  I don't know what you call that but I am OK with it.  

So I ordered a large lentils $5 and some panbread.  Ron wanted a shwarma.  If you haven't had them he really loves them, they have a garlic sauce.  I got the plate, which came with a salad, fries, and a soda, and requested extra sauce.  And some samosa for both of us.  

If you haven't had Indian food, Samosa are intensely spiced, but not "hot", potato croquettes (I think that's the term) with seasoned mashed potatoes and peas wrapped up and fried.  They are very good, I have eaten a lot of different samosas and they have all been fantastic.  Very tasty.  

So we each got one of those, Ron got the wrap, and I got the lentils.  I am not hungry but Samosa are only good hot so I went ahead and ate mine (they aren't huge at this place).  Ron ate his, the fries with some garlic sauce (they read my note), and I put his leftovers in the fridge.  They brought me about a quart of lentils that will feed me for a while.  I saved my bread I will have that + lentils for dinner and then make rice tomorrow for the leftover.  Khatti Dal, that's what they are.  Very tasty, I call them.  I have found I really enjoy a lot of ethnic food.  And boy do I live in the right city!  

Shwarma is technically middle eastern and the Dal I don't know where that's from but it's good whoever originated it.  Dal is just a generic name for cooked lentils but various cultures have different approaches and so far all the ones I've found have been good.  

We used Ron's card to pay for dinner.  More equality he has quite a bit more than I do, his account vs. mine, so I don't feel bad.  And I only got $7 worth of food.  

Ron had a visit from Spotty and Biscuit and enjoyed that, I could hear him talking to them as he petted them.  He is sleeping now probably all the carbs from his dinner.  The nice thing about this place we have leftovers every time.   I do appreciate that.  

We have to work tomorrow meet the repairman.  Stock canned soda, and then leave after that done for a few days.  

Ron is having a tough time for pain but I gave him some kratom and his pain pill.  He is just having a bad night for pain it must be about to rain.  


Anonymous said...

So instead of asking Ron to fill up the sodas because you know that actually makes you money you let him continue with the sorting of change (a job you could do easier by buying a change sorting machine and running it through that way) and now you will have another day with empty soda machines because you can't tell ron to do anything. He is the one who makes the rules. Just ridiculous.

Heather Knits said...

I was thinking bill changer makes $400-500 a week. Sodas are not. That's what I was thinking. Plus, as I've said repeatedly, we don't have about 2/3 of the soda. You can't stock what you don't have... the supply chain for Dr Pepper canned sodas totally failed in this, at least in Houston.

Anonymous said...

You make 400 - 500 a week making change plus your income and complain you have no money. Lol. Why do you refuse to make a budget? And remember this is for part time and really even less than part time work for you. Nice gig.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure your bill changer doesn't "make" you anything. Money in, money out. That being said, at least he was able to help do something, to the work at hand.

Heather Knits said...

The changer money is PART of the income. That isn't obvious? I have to spell it out? Some of our money is change... the changer converts that back to bills we can spend without going to the bank.

Also, half our income goes to inventory alone, plus other expenses, etc, on top of that....if you are dumb enough to think we get to keep every penny "we make" you need to take a business class.

Even Walmart doesn't get to "keep" their income, they have to buy inventory to sell, make payroll, sales tax, etc.

“Payroll” said...

I don’t understand why you have this blog public or comments on this blog open. What is the point when you are so combative and “victimized” by them?

The only possible conclusion is that you absolutely thrive on the drama and attention you receive.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could explain it when you aren't so angry.

Anonymous said...

I have never had pan bread. What is it like?

Heather Knits said...

It's a flat bread about half an inch to 3/4 thick, soft, warm, very chewy, good for dipping. I enjoy it on occasion. They generally prepare it in a large oval the one I got was about a foot in diameter. I am not a big bread eater these days, I just don't have a taste for it, but if I get Indian food I get my own pan bread and get Ron his own. It's a very cheap side as well it was very good with the lentils.

Some of the comments are supportive or insightful so I keep them. :)

I will do a blog explaining the money. I get frustrated when people assume we make "a lot" of money because we don't. I remember one time Ron had a jar of nickels in the machine, it was about $200, he left the machine open, everyone walking by 'Oh wow you have a lot of money". I asked how much they made and they wouldn't answer me - snort but I know $50K a year minimum - and explained it was all nickels, if they wanted to trade their paycheck of the jar of nickels I would be happy to do it. That was the end of it.