Thursday, May 21, 2020

I finally have a good neckbones recipe

Most of my neckbone attempts have been pretty weak.  

But I was raised never having seen one in my life so I am winging it.  Not a lot of recipes out there that are easy.  I don't want 30 ingredients and 4 pots to clean.  

I will give general directions because I only made a few servings' worth and you may want to make a bigger one.  

Smoked neckbones (mine had salt in it so I didn't need to add any)
Can diced tomatoes (for a small crockpot might want 2 for a big one)
Red potatoes 
1/2 t pepper 
3 cloves garlic

I quartered the red potatoes and put them in the bottom of the crock pot.  I put the neckbones to cover, a good layer almost to the top, put the pepper on top, opened the can of tomatoes and added them.  I added some water to mine because I cooked it a very long time (18 hours).  

They were excellent I gobbled them up.  Ron won't touch them but I will be making these again.  

EASY.  That is key for me I used a crock pot bag so minimal cleanup.  Only a couple ingredients.  The only hard part I found was picking out all the bones.  

But I am really glad I have some more smoked neck bones so I can cook this again.  It has a very rich and flavorful broth.  This will be fantastic over rice but I am happy with just the potatoes.  

You could always leave the potatoes out if you don't want the carbs or don't like them.  

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