Saturday, May 9, 2020

I have always hated Mother's day

I decided to take today off and do nothing, I am surprised how many things I have found myself starting before I reminded myself.  

Ron was annoyed with me this morning.  Last night I told him the system is set to air do you want me to flip it to heat?  He said no it was still warm.  

We have the old style thermostat where it has to be either hot or cold you can't say "don't get above this or below that".  It has one lever and you set it.  

So I went to bed slept very nice thank you - we had a super moon so I think that is behind my headaches lately.  I did wake up to a mild headache, Ron was sitting in his wheelchair in front of the thermostat.  I said good morning and he was angry about the thermostat.  

I explained I asked but he dismissed it.  Next time I am just going to change it without asking that is basically what he told me to do.  He got over it quickly but he did move his fan which freaked out Baby Girl.  I told him she was afraid of the fan and he turned it off, she got into bed with him, purring.  He pets her too much and she walks off, she ended up doing that.  

He is on his computer now for the first time in ages, listening to music.  He couldn't figure out why his bass sounded funny he had put a talking book on the speaker, I fixed that.  

I have taken a shower and had some Mountain Dew Zero.  On the computer, off and on, that is it.  

I guess I will talk about the mother thing.  Ron was very touched one of the big radio talk shows was doing call in tributes to Mom.  So you had big tough guys sounding all choked up talking about how they loved their mothers.  

I told him to turn it off, or use headphones.  


If you are a long term reader you know "why".  I explained I did not have a good mother.  That it upsets me to hear others talking about their wonderful Moms.  My mother disabled me from birth, neglected me, starved me, left me in a filthy diaper all day while she drank herself stupid in the other room.  Etc.  She was so bad child services got involved, and she lost custody.  In the 70's, when they never took the baby from the mother.  

Then Dad remarried... and at best I never rated the same as her "natural" children.  I will just leave it at that.  

So, I explained to Ron, I have a special hatred of Mother's Day.  He finally got it.  

But we go through this every year.  He said his mom loved me but that is not true.  She was happy I was taking care of him before the accident but very upset I wouldn't ditch him after.  We were never close and I never felt like she cared for me personally.  She didn't hate me but she didn't like me either.  

And they didn't come to the wedding, that says it all right there.  

So not a good record with mothers.  I am reminding myself of a few months ago, when I was discussing the repairs with my parents (Dad and adoptive Mom).  She said they would like to buy me something and I said I could use curtains for the bedroom.  I needed a lot of curtains for what I had planned, curtains in front of the closet, small window, and sliding door.  She said send her a link and I sent her my wish list.  

She bought everything on the list the next day and I had it in less than a week.  And now I have a nicely (I feel) decorated bedroom, there is no way I could have easily afforded the curtains before everything shut down.  So I hang onto that.  I think, in her own way, she does like me.  

She has said consistently I am the best about calling.  So I have that.  

I will call today, in several hours... it will go fine and I will move on.  I am not going anywhere today even though things are opening again.  Everyone has been out this weekend and that is not something I want to be around right now.  

I am still shocked Ron wanted to go to Walmart yesterday.  


Anonymous said...

So your dad never noticed all the child neglect if you and your other siblings? I know he traveked a lot but he had to see it when he was home. Who had you removed from your mother's care? And why didn't your sister and brother live with your dad?

Heather Knits said...

My Dad's approach was to care for me when he was home and to get me into full time daycare when I was old enough. But CPS wanted me out and away from my mother so they split and Dad got custody.

Various stories on how it actually went down, Dad says my mother left when he stopped enabling, my sister says she was skipping school to take care of our mother and the truant officer came by, got an eyeful.

My sister and brother were born when my mother was 13 and 14, to her first husband, they are only half-sibs and were pretty much grown when I was born. My Dad would have finished raising my sister but she got involved with a cult at age 16 (yes, that one she is still in it), got permission from her bio dad and ran off with them. She and Dad had a big fight over her leaving. Because, cult.