Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thursday morning

Fed Ex is making my Post Office look bad.  

I still haven't got my masks and they have been in the Houston area (I am including the 3 days spent in "San Antone") for over a week.  Fed Ex got Ron's t-shirts (can't find them in the Walmart) a couple days ago, in SC, and on the truck to me today.  That makes USPS look really bad.  

And I know USPS hired a lot of mail handler assistants so I don't think it's a staffing issue.  

Anyway, I did get my curry, and the hemp products last night.  I got a roll on with essential oils and the hemp oil in a glass bottle with a dropper.  

I slept great last night but did wake up with a headache this morning.  The new products seem to be helping.  (Cats are bugging me for food will be back)

I gave them some probiotics in Fancy Feast broth.  Did some sweeping.  Came back, they had licked it down to nothing, threw away the disposable plate.  Then I fed them their dry and some of the cats ate that while I swept the rest of the house.  All the cats love their water fountain I put about a quart a day in it.  

Found: a lot of light colored cat hair they must be shedding.  Bubba, the black cat, was great as we wear a lot of dark colors and his fur only showed on the floor, never our clothes, bedding, etc.  He was great.  I don't miss him dragging live rats in the house, though.  Can you imagine if he did that while the social worker was here?  

Oh, it would be chaos and probably result in her quitting that day.  

Anyway, the house is swept.  Overall I would say they are pretty good about not kicking litter out of the box.  Most of the litter boxes have high sides though except 2 for Torbie.  So I'm pleased with the cats and very happy with the level of care I am investing... I don't feel it's too much.  

Ron worries about that for me.  That it is "too much" taking care of him and the cats I tell him it's not but I will let him know if I get burned out on either count.  

It is a lot easier to take care of the house with solid floors.  I just run a broom and mop now and then.  It is a little warm in here (Ron is cold) so I put my hair up on top of my head with a clip, I look like a cartoon character.  But I'm comfortable.  

Cleo got on the couch to remind me I didn't tell you the best part.  CLEO GOT IN MY LAP last night.  

I was sitting on the couch watching Blue Bloods.  She came over and got on the couch next to me, I was petting her, she was purring.  I held my hand over my lap and called her, she thought about it for a while and put one foot on my leg.  I praised her and gave her some petting, then held the hand up again a little farther away.  Pretty soon she was standing in my lap!  It was AWESOME!  She didn't lie down but she stood in my lap for a good couple minutes and got LOTS of petting.  I am so proud of her this is the cat who ran away from me with a bowl of food not even a year ago.  

Now, I know pictures or it didn't happen.  But the phone was across the room and I believe some moments should be cherished without always running for the camera.  I am VERY proud of my little girl, the worst thing you can say about her these days she eats a lot of lizards, and she is a treat whore.  I love her but she is.  I probably could have gotten her in the lap real quick with some treats.  

But I am just going to enjoy the moment I am very proud of her.  My fabulous former feral is just fine.  

Ron is OK for pain today but worn out and I can't blame him.  He says he doesn't remember much and I think it is a blessing, he was pretty miserable.  

I don't want to see anyone suffer, it is one reason I think I wouldn't be cut out for nursing.  That and it is HARD to certify and do.  I could see me as a CNA though.  The community college has a program.  Or retail I like helping people.  

For now I will stick to vending and home care.  

One question the social worker had: "You do all of it?"  Yes.  

Biscuit is lying in my bed so cute I may take a photo of him.  I even got a Spot in there too.  He likes the new floors.  

About the worst thing you can say about my bedroom the bedding doesn't match.  But I already have it and don't see getting rid of something functional and spending more money.  And everything is clean.  

I like the cream in there with the purple.  It wasn't cheap for my adoptive Mom to buy all the curtains but she did it happily.  I sure like them.  

I will of course be making another payment shortly.  I also need to check on the HOA website so I can make another payment to them, but I think last month was just a fluke.  I have made all my payments on time.  

Once it hits 11 here I am going to eat a cup of noodles, it sounds good I want something salty and I am always up for some noodles.  I still have a lingering headache but not too bad.  

More later.  

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