Monday, May 4, 2020


Blogger is undergoing some "development" which has meant taking away my "new post" button in the new format.  The classic version, clearly, still works. 

I do need to respond to the comments, though, I published them and didn't react. 

So I was up all night with wracking abdominal cramps and horrible trips to the bathroom, only mitigated by Biscuit's faithful belly massages. 

I didn't sleep well, got up on time, got Ron ready for the doctor.  He decided to use the urinal when I was not in the room even though I had told him it was likely they would need a sample.  He figured he would be OK if he had some Coke. 

Sigh with me. 

I didn't know any of this I just knew he wanted the Coke so I threw a bottle of water in there anyway. 

Our ride was early - you have never seen such punctual service and straight trips as I have seen the last month.  Basically trimmed out all the dead weight the tree can flourish. 

She dropped us there an hour early.  Doc saw us right away.  Then they wanted the sample... [sigh]  An hour later Ron managed to produce a few tablespoons. 

They are always very nice about it but it is frustrating Ron KNOWS this will happen just like I know I need a yearly blood test (which I need to get). 

I walked over to the gas station and got a snack, I could have used a treat.  I came back and we hailed a Uber using Ron's debit card, he came in about 2 minutes, was nice about putting up the wheelchair. 

Ron is acceptable in the Ubers but thinks he has to tip the driver cash, I keep telling him he doesn't.  He keeps doing it.  The drivers are happy to get it. 

We got home and I took a nap.  When I got up I cleaned the litter box, emptied the urinals, and lit some incense.  Ron is OK with incense as long as I only burn it in the front room. 

It does a good enough job there. 

We talked about work and will do our supply run Thursday, no need to go in sooner.  I got the text his pills are ready so I will get them likely tomorrow. 

I need to figure out dinner.  My guts have been in an uproar lately so I am leery about what I will eat.  Junk snacks seem to be fine but I can't live on that. 

I have some lentils left from the takeout.  Whoo, those were spicy.  Good, but spicy.  I don't like bland beans of any sort.  I will eat like a kidney but that is it.  If I'm cooking it from scratch I prefer some spice.  I have a pretty good collection of ethnic bean spices.  My nose is watering. 

And it's funny because I don't normally like peppers, can't abide jalapenos and I am a Texan!  But I do like some heat in my beans. 

I feel comfortable admitting I did stash some lentils lately.  They have loads of protein and fiber, are filling, and cook easily.  I may cook some tomorrow. 

I forget if I mentioned sales are DEAD so we are taking off until Thursday.  My plan is to do the groceries/errands at Walmart, and sweep the floor.  At some point I will mop the floor. 

Is it hard for you to find any sort of cleaner?  Now I understand anything antibacterial, with bleach, etc. but just basic cleaner is gone. 

I still have a decent amount of what I need.  One thing I am doing: when I come home I clean my phone with a disinfecting wipe.  I don't have a lot of them but enough to do this for a while. 

Since, when I'm out, I am touching things and then touching my phone, even if it's just to get a Uber, so the phone is "dirty" and the disinfecting wipe doesn't seem to hurt it.  I have a case and a screen protector. 

I also wash my hands when I come back and if I were diligent I would also get the handles of the wheelchair.  I do have a little bleach, about a gallon, so possibly I could make up something to spray it. 

I will have to think about it. 

Even my stomach feels warm from those spices.  It's a good feeling. 

I had a protein shake with and took my pills, I know that will work I just hope the protein agrees. 

I will check the mail in about an hour hopefully nothing bad in there.  I also probably need to call the social worker again and leave a message.  I want to go on the record as responding. 

God knows what happens if I don't. 


Anonymous said...

More waste from the big shot big tipper ron. If paratransit is so punctual why waste money on an uber to go home?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you apply for unemployment? Underemployment qualifies too.

Heather Knits said...

We have enough to eat, and a roof over our heads. I would save the money for people in peril of losing both.

Heather Knits said...

It took Ron almost an hour to pee after the appointment. No way to plan for that. Uber came when we were ready.

Paratransit waits 5 minutes, leaves, and gives a penalty mark for missed trips. They might come back but it would take hours; vs literally 3 minutes on the Uber.