Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday night

I am always happy to do up my pills.  It is a horrible cliche but I feel in control of my health when I do it.  Managing my illness; in control and proud of it.  Not a victim.  Not really a victor but a responsible person instead of a victim.  

I tried to take a nap but the headache pills I took earlier kept me up.  I also noticed horrible BO the lavender deodorant is only good for a couple of hours and I was pretty active mopping.  I was, to be blunt, pretty rank, so I got up and took a shower.  

After that I did up my pills and checked on Ron, he is OK.  He is starting to vocalize a little but it is about to rain so I will go check on him.  

He needed help with battery testing, someone can make a good amount of money if they come up with an audio battery tester, it would have a strong tone for a strong charge, vice versa.  I don't mind, though.  

We did a bed bath and then stripped his bed, I will wash the bedding later.  I have heard it is very bad for HE washers to lose power in the middle of the cycle, and, based on the clouds/thunder there is a really good chance to lose power.  

The electric runs up to the subdivision on poles but once here runs underground.  So we don't have as many outages but we get some on the poles running up to the neighborhood.  

I need to figure out dinner.  Ron has some split pea soup but I need to figure out my dinner.  

Later: I had a pasta TV dinner, not bad, with a protein shake.  Ron wanted a corn dog so he got that.  

My delivery order never showed I will wait until 7 and cancel it.  Frustrating.  

Even if they don't have GPS (they do) I left very detailed instructions in the notes so they would know the right house.  Apparently someone didn't read the notes.  Or maybe someone is just having an utterly terrible night with my groceries stuck in their car.  I don't know.  

I'm glad I wasn't out of baby formula, diapers, or something.  

I called the store, on hold FOREVER they said the driver left with my stuff they don't know what happened after that.  

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