Saturday, May 16, 2020

A lot of excitement over a couple six packs of Mountain Dew.

I thought it was bad when a driver left something at the store during one delivery some time ago...

This has been insane.  I have been on the phone with Walmart several times, to their credit they are calling me and not vice versa.  But so many glitches with this order.  

NEVER ordering on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, ever.  It has just been stupid crazy.  

First they brought it to the wrong house last night, and whoever got it just stole it and did not say "Hey you have the wrong house".  

I don't believe in karma but God is not blessing them for that.  I hope their kids drink the Mountain Dew and get very hyper for a few days.  

They have to talk to another manager and then get back to me.  It has just been nuts.  

Now they tell me I had the wrong store.  So I called the right one (everyone has been super helpful and treated me well).  The lady immediately got on it "Oh, you only have 7 items, we can knock this thing out" and resending the order.  

She also said I have been ordering with them a while so surprise!  I feel quite taken aback the app has not showed the store address for a while and now this.  The manager was super nice, though, could tell I am a long time customer, etc.  

Walmart has been bending over so far I wonder if they know about the blog.  LOL   
So, I got my stuff.  I am happy.  

The problem I called one store thinking they did my order.  They did not.  I had to call another store and have them fix it.  But they did (took a minute) and sent someone out.  I told everyone I was home all day so they just sent her without calling and that was fine.  

I was cooking, in the kitchen, anyway, by the front window so I saw her pull up.  And I got all my stuff.  

So Walmart delivery is mostly redeemed in my eyes, everyone was very helpful.  Moral of the story I will wait outside when I have a delivery coming.  I did not, last night, that was the first and only time.  

That's a lot of excitement.  

What did I get?  Some Mountain Dew, Coke for Ron, protein shakes, some hard boiled eggs, and some 2 liters of generic soda.  

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