Monday, May 25, 2020

Monday afternoon

Really pleased with home care for Ron today it has been very easy (as it goes).  I told him, after some work, my computer is good enough to make a monthly report (very important).  Also blog but he doesn't care about that, check email also important.  I explained what I had to do to get it going again and mentioned it had software updates dating back to 2015. 
"You need a new computer".  Well, I won't argue but I did tell him call the computer guy, a used is fine as far as I'm concerned as long as it isn't 5 years old.  He said he would get me a new one so we will see.  I certainly don't need top of the line:
File accounting reports
Check email
Message board
That is it and none of it is exactly high capacity so anything would work. 
I want to make a joke but will not.  Be careful what you wish for. 
Anyway, anything will work for me I am not picky and then I am good for years yet.  I even store the CPU on a shelf I made off the floor, I did that even before the flood and a good thing, huh?  I remember the adjuster and claims rep were shocked I did not lose a lot of personal property. 
Do me a favor and go do that, get your desktop off the floor if it is there. 
Too bad I had to turn off comments it would have been nice to hear if anyone did that. 
I have no idea what I am going for dinner after all that sugar this morning.  I'm still not hungry but then I had hundreds of calories in liquid sugar. 
[sigh]  Times like this I wish I had won the lotto and I had a personal chef to whip up some tikka masala or a nice juicy burger for me made of grassfed beef of course. 
That's what I would have, a housekeeper/organizer.  A driver.  And a chef.  Because at those prices you don't call them a cook.  Just wishing.  Oh, and a personal assistant for Ron 24/7.  Need to pee?  Get to the toilet RIGHT QUICK at 3 AM?  Jorge will help you, or whoever.  Now I'm cooking. 
I can dream about that sometime.  I would still cook now and then, the housekeeper could clean up. 
About dinner, I am going to have a sweet and sour chicken dinner with a (small) beef and bean burrito.  I want both and they are a reasonable amount of calories so doable for dinner.  I don't like to leave food in the freezer too long anyway. 
I like that I (and Ron) don't have expensive tastes I am just as happy with some rice and beans as long as my pills agree.  And they usually do.  I think the last time I got sick was the chicken fingers. 
I am fine with nuggets, roast leg quarters, I don't like fried chicken as we ate so many fried chicken leg quarters the first year of my marriage... chicken patty sandwiches, chicken salad, but I cannot do a chicken finger I get very nauseous.  So much for Raising Cane's. 
Now I want a roast chicken leg quarter!  With some potato wedges, mac and cheese, and a little bit of baked beans.  And I'm not hungry. 
Some of it is PMS (yes, even at my age) I get cravings for chicken but that is about it.  Happily I don't have the wracking cramps anymore.  That actually went away about the same time I had the tumor taken off my right ovary.  They wouldn't take the left side one (not large) to "save my fertility" even though I REQUESTED they take the whole ovary if they could not get the tumor.  He didn't listen and was quite proud he had defied my request. 
And look, I never had kids and now I have a 3% chance of it going malignant.  I probably have better odds of developing ovarian cancer than I do of getting the virus.  BUT the surgery did end the cramps.  And the right side tumor was the one causing me lots of pain.  Once I healed up it has never given me a lick of trouble.  I have a few small scars on my abdomen but that's it. 
Also I think age helped, I will talk about my sister because she's not around to tell me no, as she got older she got horrible fibroids and had to have a hysterectomy it got so bad.  Me I am having the opposite everything gets easier as time passes. 
Which is good as my Mom didn't have menopause until well into her 50's.  I am OK with that if that's how it works but I'm not having kids.  So it seems a little redundant, but having a cycle does help hormonally with heart and bone protective effects. 
The cats like the can of wet food with mashed up probiotics so much I think I will keep doing that.  Nothing fishy though. 
I have concluded it is just a terrible idea to feed a male cat of any age, food with fish in it.  They get blocked.  I have had 3 cats block on me, two died.  I am done crying over poor dead kitties, and they suffer horribly.  I want them to go peacefully when it's their time not early and in agony because I made a bad choice. 
So I only feed chicken food, and a urinary formula at that.  Wet food is all chicken based no fish anymore. 
That is the shame about Mike retiring, he worked for the other vendor and had cats.  I would give him cat food sometimes if my cats didn't like it, he said his always loved every bit.  I have some fishy canned stuff his cats would love.  Maybe I need to give him a call, visit and bring him some cat food.  although last I heard he wasn't doing well. 
In the meantime I have some Mixed Grill everyone loves that it is basically everything left when you butcher a chicken.  Might as well use it, and the cats love it.  I hope I can keep getting it.  I do expect the price to go up on all cat foods. 
Ron is trying to arrange a vodka delivery over the phone so we will see who comes with what.  I had a couple of salt tablets as I was craving salt so I don't get a headache. 
I need to work on snacks, I tend to be very good at always having something for Ron but do the caregiver thing where I don't get anything for myself.  For instance, the cheese.  I bought a huge block of cheese.  I need to cut it up, freeze some of it. 
I think I will go do that now. 

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