Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Five cats at the same time

Baby Girl was with Ron. 


Heather Knits said...

A very nasty comment was posted.

Here is a question. If you don't like me and my life why are you watching my videos and then commenting "shut up [unprintable]" I find that confusing.

If you really don't like me delete the bookmark and don't watch any videos by me.

If you want to throw rocks as you watch my life and judge it I am going to have to delete your comments. And pray for you, because CLEARLY you need it.

It was a cat video. I don't see how it inspired such hatred.

Heather Knits said...

Reviewing the nasty comment I am also taken aback at the very BAD grammar. That is almost as bad as the personal attack.

The proper way to state your feeling "You don't take action to improve your life" fyi.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn’t even give those type of commenters the pleasure of a response here. That was cruel to comment on your video that way.

The cats look happy and ready to start their day!

Heather Knits said...

They are great cats. I think maybe the commenter is upset that I can make lemonade and find happiness in my life in spite of some difficult aspects. If I go around being a miserable person I would hate that, so would everyone around me and the cats.

So I try to find joy. I think my favorite part was Spotty trying to sniff my phone.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful kitties

Friend said...

There are people who troll the internet looking to antagonize and bully with out any empathy or remorse for the vile hatred they spew. I imagine in real life they pretty atrocious human beings and I truly pity them .
Grumpy is different from cruel and abusive. Someone who wants to cause you pain on a blog is not someone I would even read.
You handled it better than most please do not let this drain your precious energy you have more important things to deal with and adorable kitties . I know you are making baby steps keep moving forward and secure your future please secure your housing and your life . OOOXXX

Heather Knits said...

This one made enough comments they have been reading for a while. I'm not even thinking about it.