Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wednesday afternoon

I fixed my wish list, it should work now.  I find it funny just how much of it is cat stuff. 

Ron woke up, wanted to eat, asked (!) for his B vitamin and took it with no complaint.  He did accept my offer of a drink after dry swallowing the tablet (pineapple soda).  His mood does seem better taking the B's and he is less belligerent and more reasonable. 

We just got a bill for $100 for an iron infusion last year - they billed Medicare $3K for it and then adjusted it downward leaving us with $100 due after we copaid some hundreds last year.  Ron: "What a rip!"  I am inclined to agree. 

And he could just take an iron tablet every day.  She said it would work but would take longer. 

I fixed his breakfast bowl - that might be interesting to you, the food I have for him in the fridge and freezer: cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, fruit cups, a couple kinds of burritos, chicken and sausage gumbo, breakfast bowls (we both like those) - the kind with eggs, sausage, bacon, potatoes, and cheese; Backyard BBQ TV dinners (rib patty, corn, sauce, and potatoes), etc. 

He prefers processed food "Because it always tastes the same" which has become very important to him now.  I'm more free spirited when I cook "Let's throw some rosemary in with that chicken today" and Ron usually likes what I fix but wants the identical recipe next time. 

I am really happy he is taking the B vitamins and hope he keeps it up.  He was awake when I woke up this morning and we interacted for a while before I went back to sleep.  He was asleep when I got up and I didn't bother him.  He heard me awake when he got up - I was making enough noise he knew I was up, but not enough to wake him - and that's when he wanted the vitamin, etc. 

I told him his other option with the vitamin would be an infusion and he was not wild about the idea.  Biscuit wants some wet food.  He settled for dry. 

I feel bad for him, I know how much it sucks when I see delicious, decadent chocolate and I can't eat it - and I understand why (week long migraine).  I can't imagine being tempted by all this delicious wet food and not allowed to eat it.  He doesn't get it; it will give him stones and then, if he's lucky, he wakes up in a cage with a catheter and a cone on his head. 

He wasn't like this with the dry but Doc says wet food for Spotty - she really doesn't like dry food at all if possible - so everyone's eating wet.  I am going to take care of ALL the babies, it is just an adjustment period. 

None of the cats except Mama and Cleo need a nail trim.  Cleo would be impossible.  She is only going in for severe injury/illness, and vaccines.  Anything but shots she would have to be sedated.  Mama can tag along with Spotty if she doesn't want me doing her nails.  BUT she may have found her own solution, I have a cardboard scratcher I put up on a box in the computer room, it bridges between a box and the loveseat, and she has gotten up there several times hauling away at the scratcher.  So she may have found her own solution.  I would really rather she do her own nails. 

It was a nice day and I managed to get some housework done before Ron got up.  I decided to take a nap, I laid down and right as I was falling asleep #6 was out there fighting with her trash cans.  SIX kids and not one of them will help?   That is f*cked up. 

I was thinking about this later, but we kids did so much yard work, just OUTSIDE chores, taking out the trash, mowing the yard, raking leaves, weeding, helping my Dad with outdoor projects, etc. from the time I was about 10 until I moved out - we did so much for my parents that they hired a yard guy to replace us after the last one moved out! 

That is not counting inside chores, doing the dishes, laundry, folding clothes and putting them by everyone's door, vacuum, clean the bathrooms, etc.  And that was just expected. 

When I left home I was getting $15 a month allowance.  I was told I earned it with my chores.  She was making car insurance payments for her kids, etc. but I got the $15. 

She took half my birthday money every year and "put it in savings".  I should have had around $500  in there, but when she gave me access to my account when I started working it had about $80.  You can bet I closed that account the minute I could and opened one in my name only. 

But I have always expected kids to help their parents out with chores, things like taking the trash out, putting away the can, yard work, cleaning, etc.  I am always very surprised when I find a family that does not do that. 

And I imagine what a rude shock for the kids when they are out on their own and have to do it for themselves. 

So I was awake now, I got up, thought about it for a while and decided I would walk over to the gas station.  According to my cell phone it is about a fifteen minute walk each way.  It is not too bad for footing, even though parts of the walk are not paved. 

I got my stun gun and headed out.  It was a nice day, clear, sunny, a little cold but not bad.  I was comfortable in my sneakers, t-shirt, jeans, and hoodie. 

I got 2 big cups from Stripes, they hold 2 quarts and are perfect for making a Crystal Light or similar 2 quart drink mix.  I also got a "banana pudding" that does not have any banana in it, but is a good vanilla pudding + whipped cream confection that does not provoke a migraine.  I had one empty cup, one cup with soda, and I decided to get an iced coffee. 

The total for everything was about $6.  I don't think the cashier charged me for the second cup, as it was empty.  I sat down, relaxed for a little bit, looked at Facebook. 

I joined a cat group recently and that place is jumping.  Even at 2 AM today.  I ate my pudding and drank the coffee (not very good) and headed home. 

I arrived home, talked to Ron, so far so good.  Then he called me to help him, he was confused.  I find that upsetting but he was easily sorted out.  He is drinking right now, I would really rather he didn't but

and there goes Mama Cat on her "new" scratcher.  Good girl.  Sharpen those nails.  I hate to see a cat get stuck on something and they are swaying and yanking... it's awful.  And then poor Cleo freaks if I move toward her when she's like that.  I would just free her but she panics.  Poor baby. 

My former feral has made really good progress, though, and I am very proud of her.  Yay me I already did the litter boxes so I am done with that for the day. 

I felt bad for the trash guys, I didn't take the can out last week - sick - and it was really heavy this week, but they managed just fine.  I can't give them a big tip this year but I think I will see if I can round up a few $5's for them. 

We work tomorrow but not a marathon day like Monday.  I blew out my candles when I went out but I think I will light them again. 

And I may add a few things to the wish list.  I don't EXPECT anything, but if you want to send something I will take it and put up a photo. 

If I can help it at all I am NEVER doing ads here so you won't have to worry about that. 


Anonymous said...

Honestly it wouldn’t bother me if you put up ads. You get a lot of traffic and would probably make some money from it (as someone who has run websites with ads I know how it works). And you could use the money.

Heather Knits said...

I just hate pages with tons of ads and videos blaring at you, freeze or drastically slow older browsers, make it impossible to scroll. Cole and Marmalade is really bad for that - good articles but so boggy! I have an older computer and I can't keep up with all those young 'uns.

I would never do that to you guys. I want to be easy to read which is why I took so long picking out the template. Does the photo slideshow work for you guys, while I am at it? It says I need to update my adobe when I view the page.

Anonymous said...

You can control how many and what type of ads on each page to serve. Don’t have to be pop ups or videos.

I am on mobile (safari browser) so I don’t see your slideshow.

Anonymous said...

You don't expect anything and yet you know some of your readers will be sending you stuff off this list. Very convenient.

Heather Knits said...

Did I ASK? No, if you will recall a reader asked for a wish list. Someone else mentioned it in an email as well. Someone got my address via email and sent me some stuff a while back. So it's there.

No one has to buy anything, I don't have a paywall, and you have to hunt to even find the link. I'm not going to feel guilty about it.

I did find it funny someone asked me to tag a vacuum so I did. The only things I got this week are things I bought myself. I told Ron about the vac and the ongoing upset over my floors so he will not be surprised if I get one.

At least I won't get any lard soap like that one lady sent me about 15 years ago, it reeked of grease, not enough fragrance oil. It did not perform well either.

I just got 2 cases of cann- 3 cases total canned cat food this week, so no rush on that. :)

Anonymous said...

Baloney. You could have just sent a "wish" list to those people instead of posting it online. I am surprised you didn't add vodka to the list for Ron.

Heather Knits said...

Why the hate? I have a link up for the Bible handouts and no one complained about that. I have plenty of Bibles, by the way.

My family, and Ron, always wanted "a list" so they wouldn't waste their money. I don't see the difference.

Ron doesn't know about Favor and I will not tell him.

Anonymous said...

Who’s going to buy Ron the wheelchair lol 😂

Anonymous said...

Nice list but it seems it only includes cat stuff and things for ron. I saw a wheelchair with a portapotty in it. You should add that to the list. Better than all those pisd bottles. Most of your readers hate ron.

Heather Knits said...

Maybe my parents if I sent them a link. The brake on one side is a little sticky and the armrests are pretty shredded, but the current chair is fine. I had put that on "Wish list" some time back so I wouldn't have to find it again when he is ready for a new one, and I left it there, just like the cloth pads - more of a laugh than anything.

If I were really greedy I would have put the version with the removable arms, something he was considering - but a lot more expensive and DON'T BUY. He needs his current work wheelchair (only in America do you have a home wheelchair and a work one) because it has no arms, and the home chair because it is narrow enough to fit in the bathroom. The home chair has 4 small wheels so not good for longer distance and the work chair has the "big wheel, little wheel" customary wheelchair setup which is easier to self-propel.

Heather Knits said...

We have a potty chair but he detests it, so it lives in the garage. The capsules would be for me, and the obvious item.

I'm happy when the cats are happy but I have lots of food right now.

Ron can be very cute interacting with the cats, like now, when Cleo is licking his hand.

I empty the bottle every day now so it is a lot fresher.

Alex said...

To the Anonymous Poster who said:

"You don't expect anything and yet you know some of your readers will be sending you stuff off this list. Very convenient."

Your attitude is ridiculous. Heather provides us daily reading material through this blog, and has never asked for ANYTHING. Finally, after lots of prodding, she has accepted some form of compensation- for those who wish to provide it- through the form of an optional, completely voluntary purchase from her Wishlist. I am one of the people who ASKED her- repeatedly- to put up her gift list.

Heather- honestly you should put the link to your Wishlist- and perhaps a tip jar- on the front page of your blog. It is 100% normal for people to monetize their blogs, websites, ect. It would be accepting COMPENSATION for the SERVICE of the daily reading material you provide your readers. No different than how cab drivers accept tips for their services, or writers accept payment for their articles.

Heather Knits said...

I might move the link up. For the record, the gummies are for me, they are very helpful with my chronic headaches. I don't have anything in my contract with the doctor about using CBD and am not tested.

Certainly plenty of entertainment to be found in these pages, and a lot of [censored] I am glad that is not my life, I am sure. :)

Anonymous said...

I second Alex - as long as nothing goes to Ron lol (I’m the one encouraging you to put up *some* ads )