Thursday, December 5, 2019

He just threatened to hit me

He woke up and immediately went into argument mode over Baby Girl's grooming. 

Some questions I asked him:

Not in order

"Do you think it's a treat to live with you?"  and I left it at that without all the personal attacks he was making. 

"When was Baby Girl first shaved?" 

"How long has she been getting mats?" 

"What happens when you only shave the mat, what happens to the surrounding fur?" 

"Why won't you brush her?" 

We went back and forth for a while.  He thinks I am "jealous" of her because I have made remarks about her adoration of him.  I was kidding.  He can't even take a joke, apparently. 

I have made comments like "I wouldn't want to lie there" when she lays on his feet.  Apparently that is me, the vicious and envious bitch, out to shave his cat and "punish" them both. 

Then he made a lot of personal attacks and did the "Woe is me it is SO hard to live with you" routine which I may bitch about online but I never make personal attacks on him in person like that. 

He threatened to hit me.  I said to go ahead, I would file charges and he could enjoy his time in jail.  Would they even let him have a wheelchair in his cell or would he have to crawl?  I also taunted him, not smart, saying he couldn't kick my ass even if he wanted to.  He said he would come after me when I slept. 

I set my room up so he cannot get the wheelchair past the foot of my bed.  He can barely take one step without the wheelchair so not worried.  Plus I keep my stun gun close at hand. 

I didn't tell him any of that.  I just scoffed.  Again, not smart.  If you see a news story in Houston you can refer them to this blog. 

I did tell him "If you are so miserable with me, if you HATE your life with me so much, end it.  RESIGN the business.  Call adult protective services.  They won't let you live in the gutter, they will find some place for you WITHOUT ME IN IT.  And you will be free and you can stop bitching about how terrible your life is"  That took him aback. 

Then I told him he was no treat to live with, and took some trash out.  The punchline to all this is that he will NEVER have it as easy and as good as he has it with me, a doting servant to jump up at his every little whim, an employee with a strong back and a good mind, a loving caregiver for the cats.  And there will be no cat in his next life, he will never find a "provider" to help with that or someone who can keep an eye on her health, purchase the right food, clean and fill the water bowls, etc.  Ignorant people tend to loathe cats and that is all he will get as a caregiver. 

And I doubt I would need to tell him this; he will get someone he respects even less to roughly shove him in the tub, get his groceries wrong, etc.  He would be good and sorry in very short order and it would be too late because I would not take him back.  Once I am free I am not looking back. 

Of course the cats are an issue. 

He kept bitching about my music the whole time he was drinking in the kitchen.  I told him it was the same music, same volume level the whole time he was sleeping.  He slept for several hours through it so obviously not an issue, besides this is on a tiny motherboard speaker and not even a whole speaker system.  But he complained bitterly. 

When being abusive didn't work he decided to have a pity party for himself.  He is very invested into seeing himself as a long suffering victim of me, God, everyone.  I ignored him as much as possible.  He said it "wasn't my fault" - what, I'm not sure, I "just had a defective mind and couldn't understand what the cat needed" - all trying to hook me and get me triggered so he can point and go "aha you ARE CRAZY, DEFECTIVE, AND LESS THAN ME!" 

I have recognized that sick little narcissist game at least. 

He is still going on, the gist of it is "she doesn't feel pretty when I pet her any more".  Well, I told him, TAKE CARE OF YOUR CAT and brush her daily.  I told him this is all his fault because he lied to me and told me he was brushing her every day.  He did not deny that, and he would have.  I said he failed the cat and she had to be shaved as a result. 

He kept going on about me again and I told him if he neglected her again, she got matted, I would absolutely take her back and have her shaved again.  He almost came out of his wheelchair at that. 

Between us I will be taking care of her.  - I just bought a grooming glove for her.  If Ron ever steps up he could easily use it as the whole hand basically goes in a mitt with no thumb.  You pet the cat through the glove and it collects the fur.  It had very good reviews. 

He had this long dialogue in the hall by himself.  After he asked for Kratom, which I gave him.  I do find it annoying that he is always bugging me for it.  I give it to him to take himself (in a baggie or bottle) and he ignores it, throws it on the floor, and then asks from me.  I did find the two bags I had ALREADY given him, next to his bed, and left one there and gave him the other to put in the kitchen.  Now let's see if he remembers it. 

He didn't used to be so needy and dependent.  It is not appealing.  It's like he thinks he can treat me abysmally - he wouldn't even take me to the Waffle House, the first time I have asked to eat out in months - horrible verbal abuse, mind games, threatening me, etc.  He thinks he can get away with it if he just peeps at me and is helpless. 

I would much rather have a confident, assertive, proactive man who does his physical therapy, takes his medicine, does what he can, and respects us both.  He is correct to some extent I would never stay with him if I were able bodied.  But he is wrong if he thinks this is the way to keep me around. 


Anonymous said...

So now you have to make an obstacle course in your bedroom so you can sleep at night without being afraid that he is going to come into your room and hit you? Whether he would follow through with it or not is not the point, but the fact that you have your room setup this way makes me believe that you believe he may in fact one day follow through on this threat and no doubt it is something he has said before to you.

I knew he wasn't brushing baby girl. He is just a liar. About everything. Even a cat who he claims to love and who is devoted to him he mistreats. That is just who he is. Baby girls fur will grow back and the mats are painful for her and she just suffered with them day after day. He really is a terrible man and incapable of actual genuine love.

I think you can have him moved to a nursing home and adult protective services can help you with that. I give this living arrangement with Ron another year at best before he has to be moved to a place like this. Get your ducks in a row and be proactive. You know what is coming and your failure to prepare will only hurt the cats if you have to give them up. No rental will allow you to have 6 cats unless you want to live in a really bad place. All of them have an animal limit.

Anonymous said...

he is a vile creature and does not deserve that cat or you taking care of him. He needs to retire and go into a home and set you free. Whether or not he CAN, he is threatening to physically hurt you and stating he will do so in your sleep. I would take more steps than a stun gun to protect yourself. What’s to stop him from hurting one of “your”cats? Please do something. :(

Praying for you.

Heather Knits said...

I set up the blocks pretty much subconciously, but one night he got very drunk and was sitting right outside my door muttering "Bitch" again and again. He has access to a kitchen knife and it got me thinking, then I realized I had already made the obstacles so he couldn't come in. That was probably the worst night we had and it was some time ago.

I agree he is utterly selfish, wouldn't brush her and then angry she isn't "minky" now.

I will keep things going as long as I can but will start contacting apartments about pet limits. There is always the "don't tell the landlord about all of the pets" aspect. Only a few of the cats are really adoptable so that would pose difficulties.

I regret nothing with the cats, though.

Anonymous said...

But if you get him in a nursing home you can keep the house and cats

Anonymous said...

I don't understand, you keep talking about moving into a rental. Why can't you stay in the house if he's gone? It's your house too.

Anonymous said...

Again you don't have to move out. He is unable to live alone without help. He is the one who will have to leave. It seems his mental facilites are getting worse. Sounds like dementia to me and he could still attack you when you are helping him intp bed. So don't think you are safe with your bedroom obstacle course. As he gets worse your safety will be even more at risk.

Heather Knits said...

Do I want to get rid of him or do I want a battle? He will fight over the house and tbh he can have it. If I can find a decent job and a place on a bus line I can have the cats I will be happy.

If I want to be free, quick, the way to do that is I leave. If he decides to leave the house later on I can always move back in.

He is going to fight me bitterly on leaving. He is going to do everything he can to stop me. He isn't stupid: he knows on a basic level he will never have it better than he did with me. I ask for very little and give tremendously.

I will have a hard enough time basically running away.

I believe he has some sort of alcohol dementia going on. if he dried out his thinking would probably be a lot better but I'm not going to wait around for him to make that happen. He has known he has multiple vitamin deficiencies for over a year, has he taken ONE vitamin? No. So that's a factor.

I feel like a caged animal and I just want someone to open the door.

Anonymous said...

A lot of "if's" in that post. You are letting Ron control you. If he does something drastic, are you prepared?
Get ready now, the hurricane warnings are up.

Anonymous said...

you can leave, you are the one holding you back, the door to the cage is still open. It is never easy, but it is a relief, I know, I finally left after 20* years. You need a job first, then you can move anytime. You cannot fix Ron. Only God can fix Ron, and you are standing there pulling him back to you for your lack of want to change. It is still pretty comfy for you there or you would have left. Let someone else handle this that can be professional about his move. Why are you holding him back from getting the help he needs, and can only get when he is in professional hands?

Heather Knits said...

I am very aware domestic abusers are more likely to assault/kill when they realize the victim is finally leaving, which is one reason I will be careful. He is pretty crippled so I ought to be able to fight him off if it came to that.

If he kills himself I will move on. Even the most hard core devout Christian will tell you it's only until death. Beyond that i get my head together and make a good life. I do that regardless.

I will feel a little bad for the cats having to downsize but it is better than living in this, or on the street.

Anonymous said...

You'll never know if you can find a decent job, on the bus line...until you start looking.

Anonymous said...

If you leave baby girl with him you are just as sick as he is. He loves that cat the way he loves you. He manipulated the cat to stay close to him for treats and did not care about her being in pain with the matted fur. You might as well have her put to sleep if you are not going to take her with you. He is not capable of loving anything (human or animal). Just like he said she wasn't pretty anymore because her fur had to be shaved because of his neglect. Not even an I am sorry you had to get shaved because of me. No just she's not pretty anymore. He is a sick man. Always has been and always will be.

Anonymous said...

Don't ever let Ron have the house. Ron doesn't really have anything to fight about since TX is a community property state. The house will be your sanctuary, your hold on stability, a permanent roof over your and the cats heads. Do everything you can to hold onto the house, even if you move for a while. Honestly, I don't see any hope in anyone renting to you with six cats. And, how are you going to pay rent?

Ron is declining fast, he will have to go into some kind of facility, or he will die from failing health so don't be so desperate that you don't protect your rights. I know you don't want to bring anyone into your private life, but you need to talk to someone to help you. Can you talk to your doctor or Ron's doctor, better yet some kind of disability service through the county or a non profit. Stop being stubborn, about your pride, embarrassment, or privacy.

Anonymous said...

I can not read the comments today (my own issues not anyone else’s) but I read this post ..late ..I also blew a gasket on the only malignant Narcissist left in my personal life radar. I am done feeding these creatures and from now on it is up to me to direct the amount of attention my body and mind gives this person .

It is a tough one but there is a point where the cortisol it stirs up in your body ends up turning into cancer and I will be damned if I do THAT again to myself .

OOOXXXX headphones or get the hell out of your house Heather even to a movie maybe go se something fun and christmassy turn your phone off give him his and remind him how to call 911 .

Go to something christmassy and free locally if you do not want to spend money ...just GO! He is a toxic windbag and you have a lot of damage and trauma as a result . I will come back and read the rest later . Know you are supported, be strong and fuel up more often now that he is so vexing .

Anonymous said...

Do NOT laugh . I wish you could just hit him with a huge blast of kitty spray bottle every time he acted out and not have that be called abuse . It is like he is in this endless spiral of narcissistic cravings and feedings and he can not get his head out of his ass long enough or stay sober long enough to actually have any self reflection even if he could . But like you I think he is hardwired and also was given his supply so much as a kid that he knows nothing else. He has zero true empathy or remorse and you can not create that in anyone.

It is sad for him . And you . Please call a crisis line if he gets this bad call APS get these things documented elsewhere besides this blog. I want you to please be safe and keep your kitties safe from the constant abuse and harm he flings at you